Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Kevin Mitnick. The Art of Invisibility

Kevin Mitnick. The Art of Invisibility. Искусство быть невидимым. Как сохранить приватность в эпоху Big Data
Искусство быть невидимым. Как сохранить приватность в эпоху Big Data
Кевин Митник
Думаете, ваши данные в Интернете хорошо защищены? Так глубоко вы никогда не заблуждались! Кевин Митник - самый разыскиваемый хакер планеты в прошлом, а ныне один из ведущих специалистов по кибербезопасности, знает, насколько опасна неосведомленность в вопросах защиты данных в сети. Как сбить со следа Большого брата и не пасть жертвой таргетинга и навязчивых маркетинговых кампаний? Как сделать так, чтобы ваша личная информация принадлежала только вам и никому другому? Никто не расскажет об этом лучше всемирно известного экс-хакера номер один.

Кевин Митник: Искусство быть невидимым. Как сохранить приватность в эпоху Big Data. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Edward Snowden. Permanent Record. По-русски

Permanent Record. Edward Snowden. Эдвард Сноуден. Личное дело
Мировой бестселлер! После того, как правительство США подало иск против бывшего сотрудника ЦРУ и АНБ Эдварда Сноудена за публикацию этих мемуаров, они стали самой продаваемой книгой в мире. Эдвард Сноуден рискнул всем, чтобы разоблачить систему массового наблюдения, созданную правительством США. Теперь он рассказывает свою историю. В 2013 году 29-летний Эдвард Сноуден шокировал мир: будучи агентом ЦРУ и сотрудником АНБ, он рассказал, что правительство США тайно стремится отслеживать каждый телефонный звонок, сообщение и посланное электронное письмо. Результатом стала бы беспрецедентная система массового наблюдения с возможностью вмешательства в частную жизнь каждого человека на Земле. Эдвард Сноуден принимает важное решение: он публикует секретные документы, ставя на кон всю свою жизнь. Он знает, что никогда больше не увидит свою семью, свою родину и женщину, которую любит. Молодой человек, который вырос в Сети. Он становится шпионом, разоблачителем и, наконец, защитником свободного Интернета и главным диссидентом цифровой эпохи. Мемуары Сноудена подводят итог самого важного конфликта нашего времени: до какого момента мы должны терпеть - и где мы обязаны начать сопротивляться? "Эдвард Сноуден - самый яркий за последние десятилетия кейс, известный как "верность против справедливости": когда вопрос присяги и долга вступает в противоречие с представлениями о морали. Я очень надеюсь, что в случае со Сноуденом именно об этом конфликте идет речь, а не о конфликте долга и верности с амбициями и жаждой славы" - Алексей Пивоваров, журналист, автор YouTube-канала "Редакция" "Эта книга не просто интересна. Не просто представляет собой поразительный рассказ о том, как с помощью современной техники государство устанавливает слежку за каждым, без исключения, гражданином. Это книга о мужестве, о чувстве долга, наконец, о патриотизме. Сказать, что эта книга совершенно уникальна - это не сказать ничего" - Владимир Познер, журналист

Эдвард Сноуден. Личное дело. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Survival Knives: How to Choose and Use the Right Blade. James Morgan Ayres

Survival Knives: How to Choose and Use the Right Blade. James Morgan Ayres
Some survival guides explain the basics of how to make primitive tools. But do you know how to actually successful hunt with spear, throwing stick, bola, or primitive bow? Making tools that you do not know how to hunt with will not get you to meat. If you’re hunting with primitive weapons, especially crude survival weapons you’ve made in the field under actual survival conditions, you must adapt your strategy to the weapons available or go hungry. Author James M. Ayres grew up in the Midwest hunting squirrels, rabbits, and other small game with bows, spears, atlatls, and bolas he made myself. He has hunted with bow, spear, net, and other primitive weapons with the Lacandon in Yucatán, the Igorots in the Philippines, the K’iche’ in Guatemala, the Sasak in Indonesia, and others. In Survival Knives, he shares his knowledge so you, too, can survive using such tools and weapons. It’s not enough to have a knife and know how to make basic hunting weapons. That’s craftsmanship — not survival. Nor is it enough simply to have a knife when trapped in an emergency situation, like a collapsed building. You need to know how to conserve your knife and use it properly to escape so that it will not break and you are not injured. Learn how to use survival knives, and how to use the tools and weapons you can make with the knife — not only in wilderness, but also in urban areas, foreign countries, and disaster zones such as earthquakes, floods, fires, and civil insurrections.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Bushcraft illustrated - a visual guide. Canterbury Dave

Bushcraft illustrated - a visual guide. Canterbury Dave
"An appealing coffee table book." —The Wall Street Journal From Dave Canterbury—wilderness expert, New York Times bestselling author, and YouTube sensation—comes a fully illustrated guide to everything you need to know to hone your bushcraft, or wilderness survival skills, from types of shelter, to useful tools, to edible plants—and much more! Before you venture into the wilderness, learn exactly what you need to bring and what you need to know with this ultimate outdoor reference guide, by survivalist expert Dave Canterbury. Filled with more than 300 illustrations, Bushcraft Illustrated showcases the necessary tools and skills for an awesome outdoor adventure, including such as: Packs: Learn the different types and how to craft and pack your own. Cordage: Essential knot knowledge for outdoor survival. Firecraft: How to start a fire with a variety of materials. Trapping: Tips for catching small game. Plants: A catalog of edible plants to forage. …And much more! With its many helpful illustrations and detailed, easy-to-follow instructions, this illustrated Bushcraft guide is a must-have for the seasoned outdoor lover and adventure novice alike!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Книга для партизана

A book for a partisan. Книга для партизана
Автор: Шпигун В.М.
Книга для партизана : Практическое пособие / В. Шпигун
/ Издательство: Вильнюс. Издание автора, 2018 — 506 с
Книга предназначена для ополченцев и добровольцев, а также для военнослужащих территориальных войск. В ней рассмотрены задачи, методы и приемы партизанских действий, проблемы вооружения, материально-технического обеспечения, медицинской помощи и другие вопросы, имеющие важное практическое значение для ведения партизанской войны.
Предисловие автора таково, что по нынешним временам и публиковать опасно...
A book for a partisan. Книга для партизана. Автор: Шпигун В.М.
Боевые действия моджахедов характеризовались следующими бщими особенностями:
  • хорошо организованной разведкой с использованием различных источников получения данных (от населения, от своей аген­ туры в армии, милиции, госучреждениях);
  • взвешенным учетом соотношения сил и средств, условий обстановки;
  • всесторонней подготовкой боевых операций;
  • стремлением к достижению внезапности (особенно ночью);
  • широким применением засад, минированием местности, созданием искусственных заграждений путем подрыва дорог, зданий, мостов, плотин;
  • проведением диверсионных акций на дорогах по срыву перевозок, а также нападением на посты, хозяйственные и военные объекты.
A book for a partisan. Книга для партизана. Автор: Шпигун В.М.
Именно умение идти через лес в предбоевых порядках, позволяющих очень быстро развертываться в цепи, позволяло финнам выигрывать бои в лесу во время Зимней войны 1939—40 гг. А неподготовленные в этом отношении подразделение РККА распадались в плохо управляемые толпы просто из-за сложностей совершения лесного марша по бездорожью, или же в момент развертывания.
Существуют разные способы развертывания из колонны в цепь. Наиболее привычный для белорусских и российских военных — «ёлочкой»: один солдат из колонны идет в одну сторону, следующий — в противоположную, третий — в ту сторону, куда пошел первый солдат, но дальше его от центра будущей цепи и т.д. Самый первый солдат в колонне остаётся при этом на месте.
Финны делят колонну пополам — передняя её часть «захождением» разворачивается в одну сторону, а задняя часть (тоже «захождением») в другую, стараясь растянуться вровень относительно первой части колонны. При таком способе сохраняются устоявшиеся «двойки» или «тройки», которые теряются при развертывании «ёлочкой», когда соседние солдаты двигаются в противоположные стороны. И так быстрее.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Official U.S. Army Combat Skills Handbook

The Official U.S. Army Combat Skills Handbook. Department of the Army and Matt Larsen
Modern combat is chaotic, intense, and shockingly destructive. A soldier will experience confusing and often terrifying sights, sounds, smells, and dangers-and he must learn to survive and win despite them. This field manual, containing the essential combat skills the U.S. Army teaches its soldiers, is the Army's most recent edition, which has been completely updated for Lyons Press by the soldier who wrote the manual for the army: Sergeant First Class Matt Larsen. Distributed to all soldiers, this is the must-have guide for those who want to know how U.S. Army soldiers are trained to prepare for--and perform during--combat. It includes photos, illustrations, and diagrams throughout depicting weaponry, combat maneuvers, warrior drills, survival techniques, fighting positions, camouflage, and basic field medicine.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

John Braddock. A Spy’s Guide To Thinking

Думай как шпион. Как принимать решения в критических ситуациях. Джон Брэддок

John Braddock. A Spy’s Guide To Thinking

Джон Брэддок (John Braddock)
Был оперативным сотрудником ЦРУ, занимался борьбой с незаконным распространением оружия и терроризмом.
Теперь он консультант, помогает своим клиентам решать настолько сложные проблемы, что справиться с ними может только шпион.
Шпионаж — это не хитроумные девайсы в духе Бонда, а особый способ мышления, оценки обстановки и выработки правильного решения в максимально сжатые сроки. В своей книге Бреддок рассказывает об инструментах мышления, благодаря которым он успешно справлялся со своей работой и смог выжить во многих опасных ситуациях. Эти инструменты просты, но эффективны. Вы узнаете, как сосредоточиться и противостоять порыву действовать инстинктивно, и научитесь думать перед тем, как реагировать, что бы ни происходило вокруг.
Думай как шпион. Как принимать решения в критических ситуациях. Джон Брэддок. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

Thursday, February 22, 2018

SAS Urban Survival Handbook: Avoid Crime, Prepare for Terrorism, Stay Safe. John 'Lofty' Wiseman

SAS Urban Survival Handbook: Avoid Crime, Prepare for Terrorism, Stay Safe. John 'Lofty' Wiseman
The SAS Urban Survival Guide advises readers to think practically about urban environments and offers tips and instructions on how to avoid hazards wherever one goes. From self-defense techniques to home security systems to coping with natural disasters, this book teaches readers to recognize danger, make quick decisions, and live confidently in the modern world. SAS Urban Survival Handbook Paperback edition by John "Lofty" Wiseman

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Prepper's Survival Retreats: Your Strategic Relocation Plan for an Uncertain Future. Charley Hogwood

Prepper's Survival Retreats: Your Strategic Relocation Plan for an Uncertain Future. Charley Hogwood
Learn how to fully prepare for long-term survival situations by building, prepping and outifitting survival retreats of any size. The big question for a lot of preppers is simply, “Where do we go?” There are a variety of options available, so how do you know what’s best for you and your family? In this book, you’ll learn how to break down the task of strategic relocation into a manageable plan of action, including: • Picking a Geographical Location • Area Reconnaissance and Intel Gathering • Home/Land Buying Basics • Off-Grid Options • Home Fortifications • Building a Retreat for Your Group/Community

Friday, October 27, 2017

Do It Yourself Bushcraft: A Book of the Big Outdoors. Daniel Beard

Do It Yourself Bushcraft: A Book of the Big Outdoors. Daniel Beard
"Boy Scouts co-founder and avid outdoorsman "Uncle Dan" Beard provides a clear, enthusiastic introduction to the joys of camping, trapping, and outdoor survival. Originally published nearly a century ago, this engagingly written and charmingly illustrated guideprovides an atmospheric reminder of a simpler time. Filled with timeless wisdom on conversing with nature, the book also constitutes a source of practical tips, offering advice on fishing,canoeing, and other aspects of outdoor life. Fishing-relatedinstruction includes information on how to catch minnows, how to make a dip net, fly fishing, bait casting, and much more. Readers can learn how to stalk, to photograph, and even to capture wild animals with their bare hands. They'll also discover how tobuild a canvas canoe and a dugout canoe, how to make a portage, how to handle a canoe, how to row a boat, and the names of all the parts of boats. This ageless volume will prove a helpful companion to hunters, fishermen, campers, backpackers, Scouts, andanyone who enjoys outdoor recreation and the thrill of bushcraft"

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Bushcraft First Aid: A Field Guide to Wilderness Emergency Care - Bushcraft. Dave Canterbury, Ph.D. Jason A. Hunt

Bushcraft First Aid: A Field Guide to Wilderness Emergency Care - Bushcraft. Dave Canterbury, Ph.D. Jason A. Hunt
From wilderness expert Dave Canterbury and outdoor survival instructor Jason Hunt comes the next installment in the New York Times bestselling Bushcraft series-a go-to first aid resource for anyone headed into the woods. Out in the woods or on top of a mountain, there's no calling 9-1-1. Bushcraft First Aid teaches you how to be your own first responder. The authors' years of experience and training will help hikers and backpackers deal with a variety of emergency situations, from cuts and burns to broken bones and head injuries. You'll also learn what to pack and how to make bandages, dressings, and slings at a moment's notice. As bushcraft experts, Canterbury and Hunt explain how to use plants as medicine to treat various conditions. Bushcraft First Aid provides the lifesaving information you need to keep yourself and your fellow hikers safe on the trail.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Prepared Neighborhoods: Creating Resilience One Street at a Time. Scott James

Prepared Neighborhoods: Creating Resilience One Street at a Time. Scott James
Resiliency is a worthwhile pursuit, both for individuals and communities. But how to build strength into our lives as citizens? And into our towns? According to author Scott James, the answer lies within our neighborhoods, where sustainability meets preparedness. Prepared Neighborhoods will walk you step by step through creating a more resilient – and enjoyable – neighborhood and community. Self-sufficiency for every citizen is not realistic nor desirable. Creating group resilience through urban homesteading and neighborhood preparedness projects is a much more attractive goal that leads to a stronger community and brighter future!

Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Make mayhem from your stationery with 35 models to build yourself. John Austin

Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Make mayhem from your stationery with 35 models to build yourself. John Austin
We've come a long way from the Peashooter Era: with the advent of modern household products and office supplies - foldback clips, clothespins, rubber bands, ballpoint pens, toothpicks, paper clips and plastic utensils - the everyday junk drawer can hold all the materials needed to create pocket-sized weaponry. Whether you're slowing dying of boredom in a stuffy office, plotting revenge on your older siblings or simply looking for a wonderful way to kill some time, this book is for you. Toy designer John Austin provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for each project, including materials and ammo lists, clear pictures, and construction tips, for mayhem-loving MacGyvers. The 35 devices include catapults, slingshots, darts, crossbows, and combustion shooters. Build a tiny trebuchet from paper clips and a D-cell battery. Wrap a penny in a string of paper caps to create a surprisingly impressive "bomb." Several of the projects even include variations where combatants mount laser pointer sights to their shooters to increase their accuracy. The instructions are simple so that anyone can make these wacky innovations in minutes whilst also learning about mechanics and physics in a fun, hands-on way. Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction Paperback edition by John Austin

Thursday, October 20, 2016

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition: The SEAL Operative's Guide to Surviving in the Wild and Being Prepared for Any Disaster
These 100 skills, adapted for civilians from actual field experiences of Special Forces operations, offer a complete hands-on and practical guide to help you survive in the wild no matter the climate or terrain; be prepared for any crisis; and have the critical life-saving knowledge for staying safe in any hostile environment or disaster. 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition is what you need for today's world, combining survival hacks developed on the battlefield with the low-tech tools you have on hand. This book is your essential prep manual, from securing shelter, building fire, finding food, and navigating back to civilization no matter the environment to thinking like a special forces solider so that you can survive a hostage situation, an active shooter, a suicide bomber, or a terrorist threat on the subway, and even apply trauma medicine as a first responder. Full of specific scenarios to help you get in the mind-set of survival, 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition is better than a Swiss Army knife whether you're lost at sea, forced to land a plane, fighting off a bear, or deciding whether to run, hide, or fight. Next to each skill are easy-to-grasp detailed illustrations, because when you need to survive the apocalypse, you don't have time for complicated instructions.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения.
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. Clint Emerson.,
Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild. Dave Canterbury

The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild. Dave Canterbury
“Practical and sized just right, for places where Google can’t always be summoned. Includes a guide to what’s edible for foragers and key illustrations, in addition to recipes.” —The Washington Post What to eat, where to find it, and how to cook it! Renowned outdoors expert and New York Times bestselling author Dave Canterbury provides you with all you need to know about packing, trapping, and preparing food for your treks and wilderness travels. Whether you're headed out for a day hike or a weeklong expedition, you'll find everything you need to survive--and eat well--out in the wild. Canterbury makes certain you're set by not only teaching you how to hunt and gather, but also giving you recipes to make while on the trail. Complete with illustrations to accompany his instructions and a full-color photo guide of plants to forage and those to avoid, this is the go-to reference to keep in your pack. The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild helps you achieve the full outdoor experience. With it, you'll be prepared to set off on your trip and enjoy living off the land.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Craft of Intelligence: America's Legendary Spy Master on the Fundamentals of Intelligence Gathering for a Free World. Allen Dulles

The Craft of Intelligence: America's Legendary Spy Master on the Fundamentals of Intelligence Gathering for a Free World. A Paperback edition by Allen Dulles in English (1 May 2016)
If the experts could point to any single book as a starting point for understanding the subject of intelligence from the late twentieth century to today, that single book would be Allen W. Dulles's The Craft of Intelligence. This classic of spycraft is based on Allen Dulles's incomparable experience as a diplomat, international lawyer, and America's premier intelligence officer. Dulles was a high-ranking officer of the CIA's predecessor--the Office of Strategic Services--and was present at the inception of the CIA, where he served eight of his ten years there as director. Here he sums up what he learned about intelligence from nearly a half-century of experience in foreign affairs. In World War II his OSS agents penetrated the German Foreign Office, worked with the anti-Nazi underground resistance, and established contacts that brought about the Nazi military surrender in North Italy. Under his direction the CIA developed both a dedicated corps of specialists and a whole range of new intelligence devices, from the U-2 high-altitude photographic plane to minute electronic listening and transmitting equipment. Dulles reveals much about how intelligence is collected and processed, and how the resulting estimates contribute to the formation of national policy. He discusses methods of surveillance, and the usefulness of defectors from hostile nations. His knowledge of Soviet espionage techniques is unrivaled, and he explains how the Soviet State Security Service recruited operatives and planted "illegals" in foreign countries. He spells out not only the techniques of modern espionage but also the philosophy and role of intelligence in a free society threatened by global conspiracies. Dulles also addresses the Bay of Pigs incident, denying that the 1961 invasion was based on a CIA estimate that a popular Cuban uprising would ensue. This account is enlivened with a wealth of personal anecdotes. It is a book for readers who seek wider understanding of the contribution of intelligence to our national security.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Survival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to Use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival. Creek Stewart

urvival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to Use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival. Creek Stewart
Most of us need never fashion a gas mask from a soup can.... Should the need arise, you&;ll be glad for a copy of Survival Hacks... offers tips ranging from making a cookstove from a packet of alcohol-soaked ramen to cutting a fishing lure from the shiny bits of your Visa card.&; &;The Seattle Times Turn everyday items into survival necessities! Would you be prepared if you needed to survive in the wilderness? Survival expert Creek Stewart shares his cache of practical, easy-to-follow tricks to help you transform everyday items into valuable gear that can save your life. Survival Hacks takes you step-by-step through transforming simple objects like soda tabs and plant leaves into essential survival tools. This rough-and-rugged guide covers everything from small-scale hacks, like using sticks and rope to make a table, to the big stuff, like creating a one-person emergency shelter from a trash bag or purifying dirty water using a plastic bottle and the sun. And you can be ready anywhere you go with everyday carry kits, pocket-sized survival kits, so you're never without the essential tools you need to make it on your own. Being prepared can make the difference when it comes to your survival in an emergency. And Survival Hacks makes it a whole lot easier.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Prepper's Communication Handbook: Lifesaving Strategies for Staying in Contact During and After a Disaster. Jim Cobb

Prepper's Communication Handbook: Lifesaving Strategies for Staying in Contact During and After a Disaster
by Jim Cobb
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ACQUIRING, ASSEMBLING AND UTILIZING LIFE-SAVING EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. When disaster strikes, your calls, texts and emails will not work. After 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy, cell phones were rendered useless when transmission towers were destroyed and networks became overloaded. Having an alternative way to reach family and loved ones at these critical moments is essential. With Prepper's Communication Handbook, you learn the best tips, tricks and expert secrets for surviving when phones and the Internet fail. Exploring the best options for every disaster scenario, this hands-on guide features in-depth coverage on a wide variety of lifesaving emergency communication systems, including: Satellite Radio; Shortwave; NOAA Receiver; GMRS and FRS Radios; Citizen's Band; Ham Radio; Radio Scanner; MURS Radio; and more.

Bushcraft: Outdoor Skills and Wilderness Survival. Mors Kochanski

Bushcraft: Outdoor Skills and Wilderness Survival. Mors Kochanski
Longtime wilderness educator Mors Kochanski has dedicated his life to learning and teaching about the lore of the forest. With clear instructions, extensive use of diagrams and a color photo supplement, this comprehensive reference includes all the practical skills and knowledge essential for you to survive and enjoy the wilderness: * Lighting and maintaining a fire * Chopping wood and felling a tree * Creating a shelter and keeping warm * Safe use of the axe and bush knife * Plants and animals important for survival * Food, water and outdoor cooking * Wilderness first aid. * This bestseller should be required reading for hikers, campers, hunters, foresters, backwoods adventurers, scouts, youth groups--anyone with a passion for the outdoors.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Дейв Кентербери: Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе

Дейв Кентербери: Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе (Bushcraft 101. A Field Guide To The Art Of Wilderness Survival)
Дейв Кентербери: Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе
Bushcraft 101. A Field Guide To The Art Of Wilderness Survival
«Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе» - книга, которая станет вашим главным союзником в путешествиях, походах и самых экстримальных ситуациях, в которые может попасть каждый из нас. Как бы человек не прятался в своей уютной квартире, он не может предугадать то, в какой ситуации он может оказаться завтра. Эта книга подробно научит вас основным навыкам выживания, объяснит как готовить ночлег, еду, разводить костер. Для кого эта книга: Для тех, кто лежанию на диване предпочитает активный образ жизни, кто любит путешествовать и готов проверить себя на прочность. Чем будет полезна эта книга: В книге вы найдете полное руководство по тому, как подготовиться к опасному путешествию на природу и выжить в нем. Тут вы найдете полезные советы начиная с заточки топора и заканчивая ориентированию на местности. Вы узнаете, где и как лучше поставить лагерь, не умереть с голоду и выжить даже в самую холодную погоду.

Дейв Кентербери: Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)