This blog was originally conceived as a personal reference. Later I added notes and my publications
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
The Gray Man Concept. Are You Getting it Wrong?
Avoiding Identification
Truly experienced law enforcement, military and security professionals can spot each other a mile away. Often the giveaways are in the clothing and personal accessories that we choose. Watches, shoes and belts are accessories that are often overlooked by those attempting to be “Gray”. Wearing Soloman’s or Merrel’s, a Suunto/Garmin/Pathfinder watch and an Ares Gear/511, or another tactical belt is not being gray. Each of those accessories, gives up information about you, that you say you are trying to conceal.“Your Khul pants and button-down outdoor shirts are not making me think you are going on a hike.”Dressing like a REI catalog model isn’t fooling anyone anymore either. Your Khul pants and button-down outdoor shirts are not making me think you are going on a hike. They are letting me know that you are likely someone in the security/LE/Mil profession and that information in and of itself tells me a lot about you. It tells me that you may be carrying a weapon, or you may be currently on task. It tells me that you may be capable of handling yourself more than the average person. As a bad guy, it tells me that you may be a threat to me and therefore I am paying more attention to you not less, as you perhaps you intended. All of this information is information that a true “Gray Man” would want to conceal.
Shades of Gray?
Does it even matter? For most of us, the idea of being a gray man is largely irrelevant. Unless you are working in a covert profession, where being outed puts you in danger or compromises your objective, there is really no need to be completely “Gray”. Someone seeing you at the airport with your Solomans, Suunto and your Vertx backpack, probably doesn’t put you in any real danger, but it does put you on my radar as a potential asset should things go awry. If your goal is to conceal your true agenda and your capabilities, then being a true “Gray Man” is really much simpler then we are making it....
The Value of Being the Gray Man
A surveillance professional is someone paid to obtain information about others through hours of observation, both static and mobile. If I set up to observe my target in a 511 tactical tuxedo, I will stand out like a sore thumb, and thus detract from my abilities to provide the services for which I was retained. On the other hand, if I were to dress in slacks, shoes and a button-down shirt (tucked in), I could probably move around most places quite freely, without attracting any undesired attention. It’s important to remember that if you are truly trying to remain “Gray”, it will likely require a departure from your normal style. Dressing for the environment you will be operating in requires effort, and often means dressing in a manner that contradicts your day to day attire.Practical Application
Going to a business meeting as an EP professional with a client? Dress like the client. Suit, tie, appropriate footwear, belt and watch to match (can be selected for comfort but still non-tactical). Leave the G shock at home and go with something more appropriate for the business setting that doesn’t stand out. Metal or leather bands with analog-style watches are a good start in most cases. Even something as minor as wearing a rubber wedding ring vs a real one can be a tell that I am someone who is there for security purposes.“If everyone is wearing stylish, modern sunglasses and I am wearing wrap-around Oakley’s, guess who stands out?”If you’re carrying a bag with support equipment (medical, AED, spare ammunition, batteries etc.), then select a briefcase that doesn’t advertise itself as tactical or covert. Buy a regular leather briefcase and modify the inside to meet your requirements. I have modified more bags than I can count, and none of them look any different from the outside. If everyone at the office carries brown leather messenger style bags, then that’s what I want. If everyone is wearing stylish, modern sunglasses and I am wearing wrap-around Oakley’s, guess who stands out? Anything that makes me stand out from the baseline makes me more likely to be identified as the security guy in the room. If my goal is to blend in, then I need to make a concerted effort to leave all my cop clothing and accessories at home.
Weapon Concealment
What about all the tactical toys I need to have with me? How will I conceal and carry them without my covert 511 bag and my tactical belt? We all know that if we are carrying a firearm, a belt is the foundation on which your carry system is built. If you are carrying OWB then, in my opinion, you are risking exposure and defeating your “Gray Man” status. True concealment is IWB and my personal preference is AIWB. I generally use holsters that allow me to tuck my shirt in my pants over the holster if need be. This allows me to better conceal my weapon, in an environment where printing, or possible accidental exposure of the weapons, could compromise my mission....
Accessories for the Gray Man
Consider making good use of suit jacket pockets for things like a flat folded tourniquet or a pack of Quick Clot Combat Gauze. Flashlights and knives must also be hidden. The pocket clip sticking out is a dead giveaway and should be avoided at all costs. Consider something like the Raven Concealment Systems Pocket Shield for mounting support gear to be carried inside a pants pocket. The Phlster Flex also offers some great options for concealing spare magazines, tourniquets, flashlights and other support gear below your waistline but out of sight.Take a look at others in the environment you are working in. Dress like everyone else. Pay special attention to details like watches, shoes, belts, sunglasses, and bags. They are often overlooked when trying to stay “Gray”. Always remember that you may still need to get physical, so wearing clothing that has some flex to it, will allow you to remain capable, without dressing like a slob. Wearing clothing that is too loose-fitting makes you look sloppy and unprofessional. Pay attention to hairstyles and facial hair of those around you. If everyone in the office is clean-shaven, then you should be too.
“Wearing clothing that has some flex to it, will allow you to remain capable, without dressing like a slob.”Being gray is really quite simple. Establish a baseline for the environment you work in, and make sure your clothing, physical appearance, and accessories all fit that baseline. Avoid any products that tout themselves as discrete, covert, low-viz, etc. Dress like everyone else. Pay attention to detail and make sure there is nothing in your appearance or demeanor that could give away information about you that you are trying to conceal. Dressing like a fortune 500 executive and then pulling out an iPhone in a Magpul case is only going to attract undesired attention. The devil is in the details!
The Gray Man Concept. Are You Getting it Wrong?
By: Adam Scholl
Adam Scholl is a project manager for LaSorsa and Associates where he is currently serving as the Director of Operations for a large-scale executive protection project. Adam is a former law enforcement officer who served on violent crime task forces with the FBI and US Marshals. As a Sergeant, Adam was his agency’s firearms, defensive tactics, and close-quarters battle instructor. Later working for the U.S. Department of Defense as a Fieldcraft Instructor. Presently, Adam instructs Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu through his own company, Scholl Security Group.
Full text - The Gray Man Concept. Are You Getting it Wrong?
Концепция "Серого Человека". Вы понимаете это неправильно?
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Rubber Replacement Strap For Suunto Ambit3 Peak
Model: 482520
Material: Rubber
Clasp: stainless steel clasp (Silver)
Strap length: approx. 230 mm / 9.05"
Strap width: approx. 23 mm / 0.9"
Color: Black
Compatible: Suunto Ambit1, Ambit2, Ambit2 S, Ambit2 R, Ambit2 Sapphire, Ambit3 Peak.
1 x Wristband
1 x Screwdriver
4 x Screws
Available in stores
Сменный резиновый ремешок для Suunto Ambit3
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Suunto Ambit3 Peak Software Update 2.4.1, December 2016
- Route altitude profile navigation in real-time
- Full route track and altitude profile of the track included in move summary and logbook
- Route preview and altitude profile preview in route selection
- Possibility to clear recovery test calibration values in service menu
- Daily step count
- Fixes to wrist cadence when running with fast pace
- Several other smaller fixes and general performance improvement
- Навигация по профилю высоты маршрута в режиме реального времени
- Представление всего маршрута, а также профиля высот на маршруте включено в описании тренировок и журнале.
- Просмотр маршрута и профиля высоты в опции маршрута
- Возможность удаления значений калибровки теста восстановления в служебном меню
- Счетчик шагов за день
- Исправления для датчика бегового каденса в часах при беге с высоким темпом
- Несколько прочих мелких исправлений и общее улучшение производительности
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Ambit3 Peak watch triggers the radiation of ex-Soviet military radars
I read the instructions, to the watch that "Storm alarm" occurs when: "the pressure drops 4 hPa (0.12 inHg) or more during a 3-hour period."
For a long time, I thought the watch is sensitive to the atmospheric pressure drops, when I move quickly on the car, but every time there were dependence of the message - "Storm alarm" appeared only in specific places, regardless of the weather.
I am a radio-physicist by education and assumed that microwave radiation effects on your electronics watch.
The last time, a few days ago, while sunny weather, I passed by mountain with military radar Ambit3 Peak watch triggered again at approach, I was convinced that my hypothesis - true
Technical support answer seemed unconvincing
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
GPS-треки: MySafe T300A VS Suunto Ambit3 Peak. Пешеход
Если не считать пустой рекламной трескотни "Спутниковый мониторинг" в вашем телефоне — совместный проект velcom и Gurtam или «Спутниковый мониторинг» от velcom - с точностью до метра.
Эти статьи - не более, чем анонс, "джинса" и несут откровенный обман. На данный момент не даст Спутниковый мониторинг, основанный на GPS, точность до метра, Пентагон (собственник GPS) не разрешит, но словоблудам с Интерфакса откуда это знать.
Два трека, записанные разными приборами и независимыми друг от друга системами Спутниковым мониторингом от Velcom (китайский Wialon) и финским Suunto.
Объект шел в Минске пешком вдоль железной дороги, два перегона между станциями Восточный и Тракторный завод. Условия для GPS-устройств были предоставлены почти идеальные: GPS-трекер MySafe T300A лежал в нагрудном кармане, часы Suunto Ambit3 Peak находились, где им и положено - на запястье.
Ни один, ни другой прибор соединение с GPS-спутниками не потерял.
Далее - сравнение треков MySafe T300A против Suunto Ambit3 Peak в пешем порядке
Трек с GPS-трекера MySafe T300A, услуга Спутниковый мониторинг от Velcom
Трек с часов Suunto Ambit3 Peak
Suunto Ambit3 Peak записали трек гораздо точнее, без острых углов...
В заметке приведу цитату из информативных, полезных читателю источника, это - не разглагольствование школоты, а - академическая мысль!
In this article some results of the survey based on GPS Garmin GPSMAP 60C of the part of Negarelae Forest Enterprise are given. Точность может зависеть от количества «видимых» спутников. В лесу при невысокой сомкнутости крон или на опушке (лесосеке) точ79 ность оценки местоположения составляет 5-6 м. При повышении сомкнутости может снижаться до 15 м. ...На открытых участках треки хорошо описывают объекты местности (тропинки, по которым производилась съемка). Ошибка оценки координат на открытом пространстве составляет 3-5 м. На участках с высокой степенью сомкнутости древесного полога, когда прибор принимает сигналы только от спутников, находящихся в зените, ошибка была значительно больше и составляла 7-15 м. Использование путевых точек дает более точные результаты. При фиксации путевой точки по одному значению наблюдаются значительные (5-15 м) отклонения от местоположения объектов. Использование усредненных значений может значительно повысить точность определения координат объекта (до 2-3 м). В результате анализа данных можно заключить, что применение GPS-приемников для лесной съемки целесообразно в первую очередь на открытых участках, где обеспечивается прием сигналов от большого количества спутников и довольно высокая точность. Неплохие результаты могут быть получены при съемке границы вырубок, гарей, участков несомкнувшихся лесных культур и т. д. Применение GPS-приемников под пологом насаждений затруднено...Толкач, И. В. Использование GPS-приемников при съемке участка местности Негорельского учебно-опытного лесхоза / И. В. Толкач // Труды Белорусского государственного технологического университета. Серия 1. Лесное хозяйство. - 2006. - Вып. 14. - С. 79-80.
Толкач Игорь Владимирович. заведующий кафедрой, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент кафедры. Кафедра лесоустройства.
И председатель профсоюза.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
5.11 Tactical Old Glory Graphic T-Shirt, Suunto Smart Sensor, Helikon Camogrom T-shirt, AltaFLEX Black kneepads, Mil-tec spade, металлические колышки, MCNETT Woodland Camo Wrap Tape, Eka Combi Viking 17" Saw
Suunto Smart Sensor для часов Suunto Ambit3
REF SS020566000Mil-tec Shemagh
Ку́фия, كوفية, kūfīyä, арафатка, шемаг, шемах, keffiyeh, shemagh, shmagh, kaffiyah, keffiya, kaffiya, ghutra, hatta.
Желто-коричневая. Головной убор пустыни, для защиты головы и шеи от солнца, пыли и песка.
AltaFLEX Black AltaLOK™ kneepads
Mil-tec Trifold Shovel with Pouch
Metal pegs (studs) for the tent
Металлические колышки (шпильки) для палаткиMcNett Military Tactical Digital Woodland Camo Wrap Tape
Brand Name: McNett. Made in USA
Eka Combi Viking 17" Saw
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Suunto Ambit3 Peak Sapphire watch
I purchased it to use as an auxiliary tool for orienting and recording tracks.
- 30h battery with 5 sec-GPS accuracy (1 min-accuracy: 200h)
- Route navigation and track back
- Route altitude profile navigation in real-time
- Compass
- Altitude (FusedAlti™)
- Weather information
- Heart rate
- Activity based recovery time
- Speed, pace and distance
- Bike power support (Bluetooth Smart)
- Multiple sports in one log
- Discover new routes with heatmaps on Suunto Movescount and Suunto Movescount App
- Movescount training programs on the watch
- Extended feature set through Suunto Apps
- Languages: EN, CS, DA, DE, ES, FI, FR, IT, JA, KO, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SV, ZH
- Measurements: 50x50x17 mm/ 1.97x1.97x0.67 "
- Weight 92 g / 3.25 oz
- Bezel material: Steel
- Glass material: Sapphire crystal
- Case material: Polyamide
- Strap material: Silicone
Suunto Ambit3 Peak watch sell on
Rubber Replacement Strap For Suunto Ambit3 Peak
Насколько я знаю, в Минске такие в продажу и не поступали.
Приобрел, как вспомогательный инструмент для ориентирования и записи треков.
- 30 часов работы от батареи с 5-секундной точностью GPS (с 1-минутной точностью: 200 часов)
- Навигация по маршруту и обратный путь
- Компас
- Альтиметр (FusedAlti™)
- Сведения о погоде
- Запись частоты сердцебиения
- Расчет времени восстановления на основе уровня активности и тренировок
- Скорость, темп и расстояние
- Мощность при езде на велосипеде (технология Bluetooth Smart)
- Информация о нескольких видах спорта в одной тренировке
- Тренировочные программы Movescount на часах
- Расширение возможностей с помощью приложений Suunto App
- Размеры: 50x50x17 мм
- Вес 92 г
Suunto Ambit3 Peak, Sapphire, Maxpedition лоток-липучка, Ключ карабин Mil-tec
Часы Suunto Ambit3 Peak, Sapphire
As far as I know, such a watch even were on sale in Minsk.I purchased it to use as an auxiliary tool for orienting and recording tracks.
В Минске такие в продажу и не поступали, насколько я знаю.
Приобрел, как вспомогательный инструмент для ориентирования и записи треков.
Maxpedition Black Modular 3-clip Holder
Maxpedition лоток-липучка