Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Prepper's Long-term Survival Guide. Джим Кобб: Правила выживания в критических ситуациях

Jim Cobb. Prepper's Long-term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living
Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Of-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving. Джим Кобб: Правила выживания в критических ситуациях
Практическое руководство по выживанию от одного из ведущих специалистов в области подготовки к выживанию в критических ситуациях. В своей книге Джим Кобб делится лучшими советами и стратегиями по удовлетворению базовых потребностей человека - в еде, гигиене, жилье, тепле и безопасности. Чтобы наглядно показать читателю мир после серьезной катастрофы, Джим Кобб начинает каждую главу с вымышленной записи в дневнике, написанной в течение нескольких недель после ядерного взрыва. В этой книге вы найдете наиболее полную информацию по выживанию: от сбора тревожного чемоданчика и обустройства быта после катастрофы до советов по защите жилища и правил бартера, а также чек-листы: - Хранение продуктов и воды - Приготовление еды - Гигиена - Медикаменты - Инструменты - Освещение и питание - Товары для бартера и продажи и прочее.

Джим Кобб: Правила выживания в критических ситуациях. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)
Prepper's Long-term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living. Jim Cobb

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Right Kind of Crazy: My Life as a Navy SEAL, Covert Operative, and Boy Scout from Hell. Clint Emerson

The Right Kind of Crazy: My Life as a Navy SEAL, Covert Operative, and Boy Scout from Hell. Clint Emerson
Clint Emerson, retired Navy SEAL and author of the bestselling 100 Deadly Skills, presents an explosive, darkly funny, and often twisted account of being part of an elite team of operatives whose mission was to keep America safe by whatever means necessary. Clint Emerson is the only SEAL ever inducted into the International Spy Museum. Operating from the shadows, with an instinct for running towards trouble, his unique skill set made him the perfect hybrid operator. Emerson spent his career on the bleeding edge of intelligence and operations, often specializing in missions that took advantage of subterfuge, improvisation, the best in recon and surveillance tech to combat the changing global battlefield. MacGyvering everyday objects into working spyware was routine, and fellow SEALs referred to his activities simply as "special shit." His parameters were: find, fix, and finish-and of course, leave no trace. The Right Kind of Crazy is unlike any military memoir you've ever read because Emerson is upfront about the fact that what makes you a great soldier and sometimes hero doesn't always make you the best guy-but it does make for damn good stories.

Friday, August 13, 2021

100 Deadly Skills. Combat edition

100 Deadly Skills: A Navy SEAL's Guide to Crushing Your Enemy, Fighting for Your Life, and Embracing Your Inner Badass. Combat edition. Clint Emerson
Clint Emerson on the series: “The first volume in the 100 Deadly Skills series delivered clandestine hacks designed to allow readers to escape and evade threats at home and abroad. The second book, my Survival Edition, provided a blueprint to surviving chaos, misadventures, and fatal disasters. Now, with the COMBAT EDITION, I’ve created the most comprehensive on-the-ground combatives manual ever assembled—traveling the country to learn the most effective combat techniques from some of the deadliest characters on Earth. The goal remains the same: allowing good people to defeat evil, fight for their lives, and survive another day.” In putting together the COMBAT EDITION, Clint Emerson harvested from the skills of a diverse group of 16 top subject matter experts, ranging from the world of special operations to badass pro fighters, martial artists and outlaw bikers. They include, in chapter order, Tony Blauer, Tony Jeffries, Marcus Torgerson, Stephen K. Hayes, Zoltan Bathory, Joe Robaina, Brian Halliday, Jason Johnson, Rich Graham, Trevor Roe, Pat McNamara, John Lovell, Dom Raso, Greg Thompson, and Bill Rapier. The weaponry in the book is equally diverse, covering everything from handguns and edged weapons to improvised weapons and environmental factors. Each of the techniques in the book draws on the unique skill sets of the carefully selected cadre of subject matter experts and is carefully broken down to its component parts step-by-step, following the basic five paragraph warning order (WARNO) format, in order to “radically improve your chances of coming out on top—whether you’re faced by an active shooter or coming toe to toe with a belligerent prick.”
Full review - Book Review: 100 Deadly Skills COMBAT EDITION by Clint Emerson

Monday, August 2, 2021

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 001. Become Crisis Proof

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 001. Become Crisis Proof
CONOP: Adopt dress, tools, and mindset that will increase survivability in crisis

Будьте всегда готовы к кризисной ситуации
Выбирайте одежду, вспомогательные средства и настраивайте себя так, чтобы повысить свои шансы на выживание при возникновении кризисной ситуации
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 002. Build a Personal EDC Kit

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 002. Build a Personal EDC Kit
CONOP: Gather everyday carry items that promote safety and survival

Комплектация носимого аварийного запаса
Подготовьте комплект вещей, которые помогут обеспечить вашу безопасность и выжить в кризисной ситуации
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 004. Prepare a Vehicle Go-Bag

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 004. Prepare a Vehicle Go-Bag
Prepare a Vehicle Go-Bag

Подготовка сумки аварийного запаса для транспортного средства
Подготовьте комплект необходимых для выживания вещей. Он должен быть в машине при каждом вашем выезде из дома
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 003. Train to Survive

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 003. Train to Survive
CONOP: Engage in functional workouts that increase performance in crisis

Без физических тренировок вы рискуете не выжить
Чтобы успешнее действовать в кризисной ситуации, занимайтесь функциональной подготовкой
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 005. Environmental Navigation

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 005. Environmental Navigation
CONOP: Use plants and trees to determine direction

Ориентирование на местности
Для определения сторон света посмотрите на деревья и другую растительность
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 006. Solar Navigation

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 006. Solar Navigation
CONOP: Use the sun to determine direction

Ориентирование по солнцу
Для определения сторон света воспользуйтесь солнцем
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 007. Celestial Navigation

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. No. 007. Celestial Navigation
CONOP: Use the stars to determine direction

Ориентирование по звездам.
Для определения направления посмотрите на звёзды
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival

Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival. A Paperback edition by Patricia Spigarelli Aston (1 Jul 2021)
Author Patricia Spigarelli Aston
Format Paperback,
Publisher Scene Company
Publication date 1 Jul 2021
Pages 466
Product dimensions 178 x 254 x 24mm
Weight 803g
This new, updated third edition gives you the tools you need to ensure safety and survival so you can be prepared for any disaster that comes your way. You’ll learn how to: ✓ Identify your crisis risk ✓ Create a customized preparedness plan ✓ Design a basic food-storage system that’s ideal for you ✓ Safely store water and fuel ✓ Tackle sanitation issues and communications breakdowns ✓ Protect your home and family This book also gives you unique benefits you won’t see in other preparedness books, such as: 5 Things You Can Do Now—Quick-start ideas in each chapter to get you going Quick Checks—Checklists that help you evaluate options Planning Tools—Charts, tables, and worksheets to optimize your preparedness plan Resource Section—Reviews of unique products that help you prepare Personally Speaking—Patricia’s tips, insights, and survival life-lessons You’ll love Crisis Preparedness Handbook because it gives you everything you need to confidently handle any crisis and feel the peace that comes with being prepared.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Hunting and Gathering Survival Manual: 221 Primitive and Wilderness Survival Skills. Tim MacWelch

Hunting and Gathering Survival Manual: 221 Primitive and Wilderness Survival Skills. Tim MacWelch
A manual for the modern hunter-gatherer that will teach you everything you need to know about foraging, hunting, and cooking in the wild. From finding wild edible plants to subsistence hunting, you'll learn how to live off the land while hunting like a caveman'and eating like a king. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover, this manual is the perfect addition to any outdoor enthusiast's library. Whether you're using modern tools, old-fashioned snares, or your own two hands, this book will show you the amazing range of hands-on (literally!) methods for catching and cooking your prey. Use the detailed field guides to gather edible plants, nuts, and mushrooms, then turn them into gourmet meals with field-tested camp cooking tips. And prepare for any emergency, whether you're lost in the woods or surviving a natural disaster. This book demystifies it all, with simple hints and step-by-step illustrations to make you a self-sufficient survivor'in your backyard or in the wild.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Permanent Record

Permanent Record. Edward Snowden
The Sunday Times top ten bestseller. Edward Snowden, the man who risked everything to expose the US government's system of mass surveillance, reveals for the first time the story of his life, including how he helped to build that system and what motivated him to try to bring it down. In 2013, twenty-nine-year-old Edward Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American intelligence establishment and revealed that the United States government was secretly pursuing the means to collect every single phone call, text message, and email. The result would be an unprecedented system of mass surveillance with the ability to pry into the private lives of every person on earth. Six years later, Snowden reveals for the very first time how he helped to build this system and why he was moved to expose it. Spanning the bucolic Beltway suburbs of his childhood and the clandestine CIA and NSA postings of his adulthood, Permanent Record is the extraordinary account of a bright young man who grew up online - a man who became a spy, a whistleblower, and, in exile, the Internet's conscience. Written with wit, grace, passion, and an unflinching candor, Permanent Record is a crucial memoir of our digital age. 'A riveting account . . . Reads like a literary thriller' - New York Times

Permanent Record. Edward Snowden. Эдвард Сноуден. Личное дело
Эдвард Сноуден. Личное дело. По-русски

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook. Leon Pantenburg

Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook. Leon Pantenburg
"Be ready for any emergency, at any time. Could you survive in the wilderness on your own? Expert survival instructor Leon Pantenburg shares his immense knowledge of bushcraft and survivalist skills so that anyone-backpackers, preppers, city dwellers, and more-can be ready for a possible emergency. In Bushcraft Basics, Pantenburg delivers practical tips and anecdotes that cater to readers who are looking to improve their outdoor skills and prepare for every potential disaster. Drawing from his personal experience as an avid outdoorsman and years as a journalist, Pantenburg lays out easy-to-follow steps to prep for both short and long-term survival situations. As natural disasters become increasingly present and people continue to rely on reality television shows for survival tips, developing bushcraft abilities is becoming more and more important. In this thorough handbook, Pantenburg covers a wide range of topics, including: Developing a survival mindset, Crafting survival kits, Choosing clothing best suited to survival, Picking materials and objects to help you survive, Building a variety of shelters, Deciding what survival tools you should pack and which you should leave at home, Effectively make a fire using different techniques. Filled with time-tested techniques and first-hand experience, Bushcraft Basics is the ideal book for those who want to step up their hiking or camping game, as well as those who are searching for relevant advice on emergency preparedness"

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Navigating without a Compass: How to Find Your Way Using the Sun, Stars, and Other Natural Methods. Christopher Nyerges

The Ultimate Guide to Navigating without a Compass: How to Find Your Way Using the Sun, Stars, and Other Natural Methods. Christopher Nyerges
"Learn how to navigate without a compass, even when it seems impossible! Whether we're walking or driving, whether in the woods, on the water, or in the city, it's vital that we know where we are and are able to find our way around. But with society's current dependence on modern tools and technology, many persons would have no idea how to navigate without a compass or GPS. In an emergency situation, that lack of knowledge could easily prove fatal. In Guide to Getting Around without a Compass, survival expert Christopher Nygeres provides readers with all the skills that they may need to navigate naturally. The book begins by describing the meaning of natural navigation, and then moves on to describe, in detail, the methods of natural navigation, including using the sun, the stars, the moon, and shadows. Additional topics include: How to read a map How to make a sun dial How to make a star dial How to use clouds to predict weather patterns How to track celestial changes How to gauge time through natural observation And much more! With helpful diagrams, illustrations, and sidebars, Guide to Getting Around without a Compass is the ultimate reference book for learning how to navigate by natural methods"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Towell Colin. The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure. New Edition.

Towell Colin. The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure. New Edition. Тауэлл Колин. Справочник по выживанию: Необходимые навыки для приключений в дикой природе. Новое издание
Take on the toughest challenges that nature can throw at you with the ultimate visual guide to camping, wilderness, and outdoor survival skills. Written by Colin Towell, an ex-SAS Combat Survival Instructor, The Survival Handbook is bursting with survival tips, manual skills, camping essentials, and advice on how to improvise, survive, and get found - on land or at sea. Combining proven, no-nonsense military survival skills with ingenious bushcraft techniques, specially commissioned illustrations and accessible step-by-step instructions show you how to survive in the wild. Learn how to plan your expedition, how to make a fire, and how to build a shelter, and everything you need to know about wild food and natural dangers. Revel in inspirational real-life survival stories and be prepared for every outdoor situation. From survival basics, such as finding water and catching fish, to extreme survival situations including being adrift at sea or lost in the jungle, The Survival Handbook will steer you through life's toughest adventures in the world's harshest climates. Whether you are preparing for a camping trip, or going further afield, The Survival Handbook is a perfect guide to the great outdoors in a handy size to pack.
Biography After joining the Royal Navy in 1977, I qualified as a Combat Survival Instructor on a course ran by the Training Wing of 22 Regiment SAS. I have spent over 40 years teaching Land, Sea, Desert, Jungle, and Cold-Weather survival skills – as well as Survival and Conduct in Captivity – to UK and USA Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force personnel. I completed 22 years service in the Royal Navy and have served 20 years in the Royal Navy Reserves. I was the Royal Navy's Chief Survival Instructor and also served three years as the Chief Instructor at the US Navy SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) School in Brunswick Maine. I have seen service in the Falklands, Germany, USA, Bosnia and Northern Ireland in addition to serving a tour with the Army Intelligence Corps. I still serve as a Royal Navy Reserve Chief Instructor with the UK Defence SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Extraction) Training Organisation, providing survival training for both instructors and students. I provided the survival training, equipment, and rescue team for Sir Richard Branson’s balloon global circumnavigation attempts. I also trial, evaluate and instruct in the use of specialised survival equipment, both in the UK and abroad. I am the author of several books on survival - published by Dorling Kindersley.
Тауэлл Колин. Справочник по выживанию: Необходимые навыки для приключений в дикой природе. Новое издание

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to Stay Alive: The Ultimate Survival Guide for Any Situation. Bear Grylls

How to Stay Alive: The Ultimate Survival Guide for Any Situation. Bear Grylls
The ultimate survival guide from Bear Grylls, former Special Forces soldier and #1 world-renowned "King of Survival" (Outside) For more than a decade, Bear Grylls has introduced TV viewers to the most dramatic wilderness survival situations, through his hit shows such as Man Vs. Wild. Now, with How to Stay Alive, Bear reveals to readers his full toolkit of survival tactics, from everyday basics like avoiding blisters to once-in-a-lifetime events like surviving a kidnapping. Opening with the most essential survival skills—assembling your survival kit, making a fire, building a shelter—and then moving on to more specific situations, such as escaping fire, dealing with harsh terrain, and handling medical emergencies, Grylls is a sure guide for any type of disaster situation. Readers will learn how to survive in a life raft, land a helicopter in an emergency, treat hypothermia and frostbite, escape from quicksand, and numerous other lifesaving tips. Richly illustrated with diagrams throughout, How to Stay Alive will be the definitive outdoor survival tome for years to come.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Edward Snowden. Permanent Record

Permanent Record. Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden’s revelations about the extent of US surveillance operations sent shockwaves around the world, the effects of which are still being felt today. In Permanent Record, the whistle-blower gives his side of the story, as well as detailing his personal background and the reasoning behind his actions. Edward Snowden, the man who risked everything to expose the US government’s system of mass surveillance, reveals for the first time the story of his life, including how he helped to build that system and what motivated him to try to bring it down. In 2013, twenty-nine-year-old Edward Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American intelligence establishment and revealed that the United States government was secretly pursuing the means to collect every single phone call, text message, and email. The result would be an unprecedented system of mass surveillance with the ability to pry into the private lives of every person on earth. Six years later, Snowden reveals for the very first time how he helped to build this system and why he was moved to expose it. Spanning the bucolic Beltway suburbs of his childhood and the clandestine CIA and NSA postings of his adulthood, Permanent Record is the extraordinary account of a bright young man who grew up online – a man who became a spy, a whistleblower, and, in exile, the Internet’s conscience. Written with wit, grace, passion, and an unflinching candor, Permanent Record is a crucial memoir of our digital age and destined to be a classic.

... The fact is, no one with a biography like mine ever comes comfortably to autobiography. It’s hard to have spent so much of my life trying to avoid identification, only to turn around completely and share “personal disclosures” in a book. The Intelligence Community tries to inculcate in its workers a baseline anonymity, a sort of blank-page personality upon which to inscribe secrecy and the art of imposture. You train yourself to be inconspicuous, to look and sound like others. You live in the most ordinary house, you drive the most ordinary car, you wear the same ordinary clothes as everyone else. The difference is, you do it on purpose: normalcy, the ordinary, is your cover. This is the perverse reward of a self-denying career that brings no public glory: the private glory comes not during work, but after, when you can go back out among other people again and successfully convince them that you’re one of them. Though there are a score of more popular and surely more accurate psychological terms for this type of identity split, I tend to think of it as human encryption. As in any process of encryption, the original material—your core identity—still exists, but only in a locked and scrambled form. The equation that enables this ciphering is a simple proportion: the more you know about others, the less you know about yourself. After a time, you might forget your likes and even your dislikes. You can lose your politics, along with any and all respect for the political process that you might have had. Everything gets subsumed by the job, which begins with a denial of character and ends with a denial of conscience. “Mission First.” Some version of the above served me for years as an explanation of my dedication to privacy, and my inability or unwillingness to get personal. It’s only now, when I’ve been out of the IC almost as long as I was in it, that I realize: it isn’t nearly enough. After all, I was hardly a spy—I wasn’t even shaving—when I failed to turn in my English class assignment. Instead, I was a kid who’d been practicing spycraft for a while already—partly through my online experiments with game-playing identities, but more than anything through dealing with the silence and lies that followed my parents’ divorce. ... In the Intelligence Community, the “Frankenstein effect” is widely cited, though the more popular military term for it is “blowback”: situations in which policy decisions intended to advance American interests end up harming them irreparably. Prominent examples of the “Frankenstein effect” cited by after-the-fact civilian, governmental, military, and even IC assessments have included America’s funding and training of the mujahideen to fight the Soviets, which resulted in the radicalization of Osama bin Laden and the founding of al-Qaeda, as well as the de-Baathification of the Saddam Hussein–era Iraqi military, which resulted in the rise of the Islamic state. ... The CIA is the primary American intelligence agency dedicated to HUMINT (human intelligence), or covert intelligence gathering by means of interpersonal contact—person to person, face-to-face, unmediated by a screen. The COs (case officers) who specialized in this were terminal cynics, charming liars who smoked, drank, and harbored deep resentment toward the rise of SIGINT (signals intelligence), or covert intelligence gathering by means of intercepted communications, which with each passing year reduced their privilege and prestige.
Nothing is harder than living with a secret that can’t be spoken. Lying to strangers about a cover identity or concealing the fact that your office is under the world’s most top-secret pineapple field might sound like it qualifies, but at least you’re part of a team: though your work may be secret, it’s a shared secret, and therefore a shared burden. There is misery but also laughter. When you have a real secret, though, that you can’t share with anyone, even the laughter is a lie. I could talk about my concerns, but never about where they were leading me. To the day I die I’ll remember explaining to my colleagues how our work was being applied to violate the oaths we had sworn to uphold and their verbal shrug in response: “What can you do about it?” I hated that question, its sense of resignation, its sense of defeat, but it still felt valid enough that I had to ask myself, “Well, what?”
Edward Snowden. Permanent Record
Permanent Record. Edward Snowden. Эдвард Сноуден. Личное дело
Эдвард Сноуден. Личное дело. По-русски

Sunday, July 14, 2019

SAS and Special Forces Self Defence Handbook: A Complete Guide to Unarmed Combat Techniques. John 'Lofty' Wiseman

Written by a former Survival Instructor of the SAS, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook provides easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions on coping with all kinds of threatening situations, from muggings to knife attacks. The author teaches you strategies for both avoiding conflict and getting out of a dangerous situation quickly and safely. Learn how mental attitude, body language, assertiveness, and the ability to overcome fear can prevent you from becoming a prime target for criminals. Learn which parts of the body are the most effective weapons in fending off an attacker, and which are the most likely targets for attack. Defend yourself from sudden grabs, strangles, weapons, and road rage. And find out how to deliver the SAS five-second knockout, a defence previously available only to British SAS Special Forces soldiers. Illustrated with black-and-white photographs and instructive artworks and including expert advice throughout, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook is a comprehensive guide to self-defence for both men and women.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency: The Classic Guide for Realists and Dreamers

The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency: The Classic Guide for Realists and Dreamers. John Seymour
Embrace off-grid green living with this all-encompassing guide to self-sufficiency, your new go-to guide for a more sustainable way of life. For over 40 years, John Seymour has inspired and motivated thousands of people to make more eco-friendly choices to enrich their lives and live sustainably. Now, his bestselling self-sufficiency book offers step-by-step instructions on all things environment-friendly, from preserving your harvest to living off land, this survival guide has it all. So what are you waiting for? Dive straight in to discover: -Detailed step-by-step guide for achieving a self-sufficient lifestyle tailored to your needs and environment -Encyclopaedic knowledge on a range of eco-friendly tasks such as cultivating, rearing, foraging and brewing. -Featuring stunning illustrations of organic fruit and vegetables to inspire growers -Hand-drawn visual illustrations to accompany the step-by-step guide to self-sufficiency skills Feel like becoming a better version of yourself this New Year? Why not stand out from the crowd and challenge yourself to adopting a healthy eco-friendly lifestyle and unleash your endless potential! Whether your goal is to become a green-fingered gardener or you're looking to lower your carbon footprint like never before, this all-encompassing horticulture book has something for everyone to love, with a diverse range of self-sufficiency skills to suit your individual needs and preferences. In fact, this X book features detailed advice for achieving a self-sufficient lifestyle no matter your outdoor space, and includes specific guides for getting the most out of urban gardens, allotments and much more! At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. From bread making to beer brewing, solar power to small holding, invest in this sustainability book to give green living a new name, and learn some top tips and handy life skills along the way! John Seymour, author of over 40 books, will inspire you to revolutionise your relationship with the planet in your new sustainable all-green way of living. Test your limits and push your boundaries with this riveting read, and discover how to adapt to a zero waste lifestyle from here on out.