WHENEVER I GO outside, I try to change my appearance a bit. Maybe I get rid of my beard, maybe I wear different glasses. I never liked the cold until I realized that a hat and scarf provide the world's most convenient and inconspicuous anonymity. I change the rhythm and pace of my walk, and, contrary to the sage advice of my mother, I look away from traffic when crossing the street, which is why I've never been caught on any of the car dashcams that are ubiquitous here. Passing buildings equipped with CCTV I keep my head down, so that no one will see me as I'm usually seen online - head-on. I used to worry about the bus and metro, but nowadays everybody's too busy staring at their phones to give me a second glance. If I take a cab, I'll have it pick me up at a bus or metro stop a few blocks away from where I live and drop me off at an address a few blocks away from where I'm going.
This blog was originally conceived as a personal reference. Later I added notes and my publications
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Edward Snowden. Quote from Permanent Record
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Памятка о порядке действий населения при эвакуации
Порядок действия населения при эвакуации
При получении информации об эвакуации:- оповестить родственников, знакомых о получении информации и планируемых мероприятиях по эвакуации;
- взять «тревожный чемоданчик»;
- выключить электроприборы, закрыть окна, водопроводные и газовые трубы, квартиру или дом;
- прибыть на сборный эвакуационный пункт и зарегистрироваться;
- убыть в безопасный район;
- прибыть на приемный пункт и зарегистрироваться; - убыть в место временного проживания;
- по прибытии оповестить родственников, знакомых.
Стандартный набор «тревожного чемоданчика» необходимого при эвакуации
- личные документы на себя и близких (паспорт, свидетельство о рождении, военный билет, ИНН, СНИЛС, медицинский полис, свидетельство о браке, разводе, документы на имущество и т.д.) в водонепроницаемой упаковке или пакете;
- банковские карты, наличные деньги из расчета на каждого члена семьи;
- на отдельный лист выписать телефоны и адреса родственников;
- аптечка первой помощи;
- фонарик и запас батареек к нему;
- спички, сухой спирт, газовые зажигалки (2-3 шт.);
- сотовый телефон, зарядное устройство, радиоприемник и запас батареек;
- универсальный нож;
- ремонтный комплект (нитки, иголки и пр.);
- запас еды (консервы) и воды (минимум на 3-е суток на 1 человека), в том числе для детей;
- одноразовая посуда или посуда на каждого члена семьи;
- средства личной гигиены;
- смена нижнего белья и носков, комплект одежды на каждого члена семьи по сезону,
На всех вещах (чемоданах, мешках, рюкзаках и т.д.) должны быть энкреплены ярлыки с надписью:- Ф.И.О и год рождения
- Место работы;
- Адрес постоянного местожительства;
- Адрес района эвакуации.
Необходимо взять с собой, средства индивидуальной защиты (противогаз и респиратор), если они хранятся дома, или ватно-марлевую повязку.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Morse Code for Survival
The Morse code for "A"
The Letter "A" with the 'Dit" and "Dah" placed on the letter as a memory aid.
In the event of a serious crisis, communication will be a challenge to say the least.
You will likely have to deal with power outages, inoperable cell phones, and the need to communicate covertly. In this kind of circumstance Morse code is a godsend. It requires little to no power or technology and very few people are able to interpret Morse code communication. In this day and age Morse Code is a lost skill, yet fortunately it is very easy to learn!
The above based mnemonic Braden-Powell included in the Girl Guides handbook in 1918
Infographic source: http://survivalized.com/morse-code-alphabet/
Saturday, September 3, 2022
33 Survival Uses for a Shemagh
- Head wrap
- Face veil
- Scarf
- Sunshade
- Sling
- Foot Wrap
- Carrying po
- Towel
- Short rope
- Filter
- Pillow
- Compress
- Tourniquet
- Washcloth
- Feminine Hygiene
- Toilet Paper
- Handkerchief
- Blindfold
- Knee pad
- Dew Collector
- Lamp wick
- Sling (weapon)
- Bear Bag
- Signal Flag
- Trail Marker
- Fire Starter
- Poultice
- Splint Tie
- Signal Flag
- Bug Cover
- Pot Holder
- Strainer
- Belt
- Net
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Essential Modern Survival Kit
Portable water in suitable containers for inmediate drink-ability, and a water filter for purifying after you run out of bottled water
High calorie foods such as high calorie energy bars or MRE (meals-ready-to-eat] are vital to mantain sufficient energy to keep going
Even if it's warm outside, if you get in trouble without extra clothes, hypothermia becomes a risk.
Bring reflectrive "aluminized" space blanket or survival blanket to retain body heat, catalytic heater and bottled gas fuel
Small tent, tarp with grommets, large plastic trash bag as poncho or expedient shelter roof
There are some grate sunglasses out there that will enhance your vision, provide polarization for water or snow, and will prevent eye fatigue
Toilet paper, hygiene products, soap, hand-towel and any other body care products you may need
Keep at least the basics: band aids, sterile, gauze, desinfectant, first aid manual, medical tape, medical scissors, disposable gloves, tweezers, cotton swabs and a thermometer
Extra cash will enable you to purchase the supplies you did not include and other necessary items
There should be at least an even-day supply of any prescription and non-prescription medications used by family members
Keeping a lighter and a fire starter in addition to matches are a good idea
Simply having a good map of the region you're in could get you out of trouble
Is ideal for establishing bearings while used in conjunction with a map
And extra batteries. A LED flashlight, preferably a head-mounted style, is the best choice
Important personal documents like proof of address, insurance policies, birth certificates and passports should be stored together in an area with easy access in case of a natural disaster
A small weather radio will keep you informed of the conditions outside and where to seek shelter or emergency personnel during and after a natural disaster
The towers may be down following a natural disaster, but emergency personnel will get them repaired fast for communication
Monday, June 6, 2022
72-Hour Survival Kit. Stay alert and keep these items ready this rainy season
When it rains, It pours! When you get wet, make sure you have dry clothes to quickly change into. You can't afford to get sick and in times like these, the threat of disease spreading is extremely high
It's bad enough that you don't have a signal on your mobile phone but worse when you run out of battery. When you're in distress and need to draw attention to yourself, having a whistle can help rescuers spot you.
When electricity is out, don't be left in the dark. A handy flashlight will be your best guide as you rummage through the darkness.
You can survive without food but not without water; it's the most important thing on your list and should be the first thing you pack in your survival kit. Prepare at least 3 liters of water that's good for 3 days.
When you need to thread on high waters, it's a good idea to keep your important documents in a waterproof-container or resealable plastic bag.
If you're stranded in the middle of nowhere and you need to call for help, your mobile phone will do, just make sure your battery is always full. So hold off on playing Candy Crush for now, your ticket request can wait.
Whatever the weather is, you should have a first aid kit with you at all times. Just remember, your best defense is a good offense.
Keep up-to-date with what's going on in the news. Listen for updates and monitor events folowing a disaster. Ignoring evacuation instructions could spell the difference between life and death.
Food is vital for your survival. Just make sure you pack foods that will last at least 3-7 days. Packaged non-perishable or canned food and boxed juiced are best.
ATM offline? Always make sure you have cash on hand just in case you'll need to buy extra supplies.
Text by: Ralph Abogado
Graphics: Mica Cruz
Набор выживания на 3 Дня. Будьте бдительны и готовы
ОДЕЖДАТеплая кофта, курточка, термобельё и носки.
Одежда подбирается с учетом времени года.
Или другое сигнальное средство.
Одна из рекомендаций МЧС,между прочим.
Простой и надежный источник освещения в темном помещении или ночью.
Не забудьте про запасные батарейки.
Выжить 3 дня без еды - запросто. А без воды нет.
Чистая питьевая вода в герметичной таре в количестве 3 литра на человека.
Документы, устанавливающие личность, документы на оружие, на ТС, свидетельства о рождении детей, и т.п.
Хранить лучше в герметичном контейнере или пакете.
Может понадобится в любой экстренной ситуации.
Гуглите рекомендации по комплектации, чтобы не ошибиться с выбором препаратов.
Просто, чтобы быть в курсе ситуации и следить за развитием событий.
Консервы, сублиматы, крупы.
Все то, что быстро готовится и имеет долгий срок хранения.
Кредитка не прокатит.
Банкоматы могут уже не работать. Наличка поможет вам пополнить запасы продовольствия, или пройти через кордон, если это будет необходимо.
Проект "Гнездо Параноика" www.gnezdoparanoika.ru
Перевёл Параноик Семёнов, для настоящих параноиков, и во благо параноиков.
Собрался на салют?
Пошли тырить дальшеSaturday, June 4, 2022
72 Hour Emergency Kit
It's a bad enough that you don't have signal on your mobile phone but worse when you run out of battery. When you're in distress and need to draw attention to yourself, having a whistle can help rescuers spot you.
You can survive without food but not without water;
It's the most important thing on your list and should be the first think you pack in your survival kit.
If you're stranded in the middle of nowhere and you need to call for help, your mobile phone will do, just make sure your battery is always full.
ATM offline? Always make sure you have cash on hand just in case you'll need yo buy extra supplies.
Keep up-to-date with what's going on in the news. Listen for updates and monitor events followings disaster.
When it rains, it pours!
When you get wet, make sure you have dry clothes to quickly change into.
You can't afford to get sick and in times like these.
When electricity is out, don't be left in the dark. A handy flashlight will be your best guide as you rummage through the darkness.
When you need a thread on high waters, it's a good idea to keep your important documents in a waterproof container.
Whatever the wheater is, yo hould have a first aid kit with you all times.
Food is vital for your survival.
Just make sure you pack food that will last at least 3-7 days.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
10 bug out-bag essentials
At least l gallon per person, per day. - MRE
Ready to eat, high energyfoods. - CLOTHING
Extra clothing suitable for your climate. - SHELTER
You will need at least a sleeping bag, maybe a tent. - ELECTRONICS
A flashlight and batteries are essential. - FIRE SOURCE
The more sources, the better. - HARD CASH
Cash your next check and put it in your bag. - WEAPONS
When *it* hits the fan, you gotta be ready. - FIRST AID
Just your basic first aid kit. - A TOP NOTCH BAG OR BACKPАСК Your bug out bag will be your lifeline, so don't skimp on quality. Get a durable bug out bag like the Voodoo Tactical Scorpian Range Bag.
Monday, March 7, 2022
15-in-1 Outdoor Survival Kit EDC SOS Emergency Tools
- Multifunctional Survival Knife
- WDM-8 large size flintstone
- Retractable blowpipe
- Flashlight (battery not included)
- Survival whistle
- Compass
- Reflective Tent rope (394" Length)
- Rotating tent clip (2PCS)
- Notebook
- Tungsten steel defense pen
- Tactical scissors
- Webbing keychain
- S-Clip
- Tactical EDC waist bag
5. Glamorous Survival Whistle, Double Pipe Steel Emergency Whistle Black, Double Pipe Steel Emergency Whistle Gray
6. Portable Mini Thumb Compass, Mini Baseplate Compass for Scouts & Military
9. All Weather 3x5" Waterproof Camo Notebook, All Weather 3x5" Waterproof Camo Notebook
10. Black color Tactical kubotan Laix B2-H Pen, Gray color Tactical kubotan Laix B2-H Pen, Gray Tactical Pen Laix B2-H, Black Tactical Pen Laix B2-H
14. Universal Tactical Military Molle Hip Waist Belt Pouch: Black and Khaki, Universal Tactical Military Molle Hip Waist Belt Pouch
The cardinal idea and pictures were taken from - Tactical World Store. One can buy from there.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Prepper's Long-term Survival Guide. Джим Кобб: Правила выживания в критических ситуациях
Практическое руководство по выживанию от одного из ведущих специалистов в области подготовки к выживанию в критических ситуациях. В своей книге Джим Кобб делится лучшими советами и стратегиями по удовлетворению базовых потребностей человека - в еде, гигиене, жилье, тепле и безопасности. Чтобы наглядно показать читателю мир после серьезной катастрофы, Джим Кобб начинает каждую главу с вымышленной записи в дневнике, написанной в течение нескольких недель после ядерного взрыва. В этой книге вы найдете наиболее полную информацию по выживанию: от сбора тревожного чемоданчика и обустройства быта после катастрофы до советов по защите жилища и правил бартера, а также чек-листы: - Хранение продуктов и воды - Приготовление еды - Гигиена - Медикаменты - Инструменты - Освещение и питание - Товары для бартера и продажи и прочее.
Джим Кобб: Правила выживания в критических ситуациях. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)
Thursday, December 2, 2021
How To Become A Gray Man in Urban Survival
Find out how you can be invisible in a sea of a million people.
Being a grayman means moving amongst the crowd undetected. This is an essential skill in a survival situation and a real survivalist have to be always prepared when such event rises.
Gray Man Skills
This survival tactic is a form of urban camouflage referred to as “grayman”, and in the middle of an urban crisis or martial law, it ought to be the only thing that keeps you from having a target painted on your back and a bullet in your brain. Being a grayman and having the ability to seamlessly slip in and out of situations unnoticed is an art form mastered by few.Do it wrong and you’re dead. Do it proper and you’re home free.
What Is a Gray Man?
A gray man is anyone who blends in where they go. It is a person who does now not stand out.How is this accomplished? It seems easy enough – just blend in. But there is quite an art form to this.
Height is an aspect of being a grayman that we have little control over.The best grayman is ordinary in every respect. He’s of average height and weight.
For Men
Long shorts, monochromatic colors or horizontally striped clothing, flat shoes, leaving a longer shirt un-tucked, and slouching should all help you to appear shorter. The slouch will also help make you appear as less of a threat by making you seem unhealthy.For Women
Try wearing capri pants, or pants with cuffs in them. Wear flats instead of heels that cover the tops of your feet.Carrying a big bag will also help you appear smaller.
Natural or neutral colors work best - browns and grays. Highly colourful and graphic shirts have to be averted at all costs. Neither that shows off a lot of skin and nor too fashionable.Как стать серым человеком при выживании в городе
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Gray or Grey man?
The name itself inspires a sense of mystery and conspiracy. When you hear it for the first time, you will immediately find yourself asking: "What is a gray man?"
About the first thing first. Before defining it, let’s spell it correctly. The spelling is with an “A”. Not an “E” in “Gray Man”.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Survival Tarp Shelters: Why A Tarp is one of the Best Things you Can Carry
Why a Tarp is a Better Shelter Choice.
- While hiking and camping in the backcountry, Tarp Tents allow you to feel even closest to nature. “There’s nothing like sleeping under a trap out in the wilderness; that is because we go out there,” said I.
- In most cases, a tarp goes to be lighter than any tent on the market. change to the canvass allowed me to chop down on my pack weight.
- It’s a dual purpose system. Unlike a tent, I can get more than one use out of the tarp. Besides the apparent shelter related uses, I can use the tarp as a raincoat; as part of a rain catchment system; as an improvised first-aid sling or bandage wrap; to make repairs on my clothing, backpacks, and other equipment that may become damaged; or a hundred other uses that a tent just wasn’t able to handle.
But the main reasons I went with the tarp were they can be easily set up and broken down, and how many different configurations I could get out of one.
Building various Types of Tarp Shelter
With little more than a bit of paracord and a tarp, you can quickly set up an improvised shelter to keep you warm and dry.Full text:
Survival Tarp Shelters: Why A Tarp is one of the Best Things you Can Carry
Укрытия из тента для выживания: почему тент — одно из лучшего, что можно взять с собой
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The 7 Most Important Survival Skills You Need To Know
Survival Skill 1: Building A Shelter
In a harsh environment, a person may only survive for about three hours without shelter. That is why we have building a shelter as number one of our most important survival skills....
Survival Skill 2: Finding And Purifying Water
Safe drinking water is certainly vital for survival. Humans can’t exist more than three days without water, but consuming dirty water can make you seriously ill. The ability to discover a water source and purify the water is therefore one of the most necessary survival skills you can learn....
Survival Skill 3: Starting a fire
A fire can keep you warm, cook your food, purify water, signal for help and many other things. The ability to start a fire is essential in a survival situation. Therefore, it is number three on our list of the most important survival skills, after shelter and water....
Survival Skill 4: Finding Food
Finding food is an important skill, but not as important as shelter, water and fire. Humans can survive for around three weeks without food, although of course you don’t want to wait anywhere near that long to find food....
Survival Skill 5: Tying Knots
Knots have so many uses, not just in survival situations. Learning how to tie a few different knots will assist with many other survival skills, for instance setting up a shelter and first aid can both require knots....
Survival Skill 6: Navigating
Navigation using a map and compass is an pretty beneficial skill. We have come to rely on technology for navigating, however in a disaster scenario that may not be available.Practice using a map and compass to navigate. This survival skill will allow you to find your way if lost, or to navigate new routes that you would possibly need in an emergency.
Survival Skill 7: First Aid
Accidents happen, and when medical help is out of reach, first aid skills could save your life....
Full text:
The 7 Most Important Survival Skills You Need To Know
7 наиболее важных навыков выживания, которые вам нужно знать
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Examples of poncho shelters
Hasty shelter-canopy fashion
A hasty shelter is made by suspending the poncho from low underbrush. Due to its simplicity, it can be easily erected at night, especially if heavy strings have already been tied to the corners of the poncho.
Hasty shelter-canopy fashion
This is another hasty shelter pitched canору fashion.
Poncho and spreader bars
This is a hasty shelter using a poncho and two branches for spreader bars.
Low silhouette shelter
This low silhouette shelter can be used while improving fighting positions. It can be lowered by removing the front upright supports.
Poncho shelter
Two ponchos fastened together will shelter four soldiers from the rain. Extra ponchos can be used as ground sheets.
Sleeping-platform and footrest
The following type of shelter may be used for a longer stay in more secure areas. A sleeping platform and footrest protect from dampness and insects.
Примеры укрытий из пончо (плаща-накидки)
Monday, October 4, 2021
10 Different Tarp Setups
The most popular and usual and easiest setup that allows to make a hammock or tent within.
Step 1. Find a desirable spot and make sure the trees and bushes for the setup are distanced in an perfect way for accommodating the tent/hammock and tarp.
Step 2. First fix up the tent/hammock and make sure a) Guylines and carabiners are properly fastened b) Hammock is placing at the perfect height.
Step 3. Set up the tarp 4" (10cm) above the tent/hammock and make sure at least all four corners of the tarp are staked to the ground, to hold its shape and provide good wind and rain protection.
Similar to setup #1, however a simple shelter with or without a tent, that works in not only forests but bush-camping and on plains as well.
Setup A. Find two trees and setup up the tarp with guylines and staked corners, either with appropriate tent pegs or wooden stakes, for good rain and wind protection.
Setup B. Not appropriate for rainy and/or windy weather conditions. Use two alpenstocks or wooden stakes 3.9-4.9ft (1.2-1.5m) as an alternative of trees. Same setup as above.
A temporary refuge that is close to same to #2 however gives more light.
This setup and #5 and #6 are similar and appropriate for forest environments and autumn/winter seasons when there are fewer insects on the ground. This setup is ideal for sitting on the tarp floor with a campfire in the front of you for warmth.
Step 1. Divide your tarp into three portions and use guylines to fix up the "roof". Make certain the "wall" is leeward, contrary the wind.
Step 2. Peg or spread out the bottom section on the ground, so that the tarp forms a C-shaped shelter.
This setup and #6 are the same however the former is fixed to the ground with stakes and the the latter is with tent pegs. It is a very simple temporary refuge for the wind or sun and is NOT recommended for when you camp overnight.
Step 1. Spread out your tarp and fix the top two corners with guylines to two trees.
Step 2. Tilt the tarp at a 45° and fix the last two corners on the ground with wooden stakes.
This setup and #5 are the same but the former is fixed to the ground with tent pegs and the the latter is with stakes. It is a very simple temporary refuge for the sun or wind and is NOT recommended for when you camp overnight.
Step 1. Spread out your tarp and fix the top two corners with guylines to two trees.
Step 2. Tilt the tarp at a 45° and fix the last two corners on the ground with tent pegs.
This setup and #8 and #9 are comparable in technique however serve different purposes. The easiest of the three using tent pegs or stakes for pinning the tarp to the ground. It's a temporarily refuge for one night time max; take care to construct the walls on the lee side for good wind and rain shelter.
This setup and #7 and #9 are comparable in technique however takes the longest to complete. It is appropriate for winter and colder weather conditions, such as snowy environments, and is best for lengthier stays.
An advanced version of #8, the use of your own tent poles or sturdy branches onsite. This setup gives the best wind protection.
The pyramid setup that is pretty popular amongst outdoorsmen and women. Setup methods vary however the most common is through using a long hiking cane to form the tip of the structure whilst pinning the corners to the ground. Opt for a slanted doorway pulling the flapped entrance to the contrary direction (see picture) with guylines.
10 разных вариантов установки тента
Saturday, August 14, 2021
The Right Kind of Crazy: My Life as a Navy SEAL, Covert Operative, and Boy Scout from Hell. Clint Emerson
Clint Emerson, retired Navy SEAL and author of the bestselling 100 Deadly Skills, presents an explosive, darkly funny, and often twisted account of being part of an elite team of operatives whose mission was to keep America safe by whatever means necessary. Clint Emerson is the only SEAL ever inducted into the International Spy Museum. Operating from the shadows, with an instinct for running towards trouble, his unique skill set made him the perfect hybrid operator. Emerson spent his career on the bleeding edge of intelligence and operations, often specializing in missions that took advantage of subterfuge, improvisation, the best in recon and surveillance tech to combat the changing global battlefield. MacGyvering everyday objects into working spyware was routine, and fellow SEALs referred to his activities simply as "special shit." His parameters were: find, fix, and finish-and of course, leave no trace. The Right Kind of Crazy is unlike any military memoir you've ever read because Emerson is upfront about the fact that what makes you a great soldier and sometimes hero doesn't always make you the best guy-but it does make for damn good stories.
Friday, August 13, 2021
100 Deadly Skills. Combat edition
Clint Emerson on the series: “The first volume in the 100 Deadly Skills series delivered clandestine hacks designed to allow readers to escape and evade threats at home and abroad. The second book, my Survival Edition, provided a blueprint to surviving chaos, misadventures, and fatal disasters. Now, with the COMBAT EDITION, I’ve created the most comprehensive on-the-ground combatives manual ever assembled—traveling the country to learn the most effective combat techniques from some of the deadliest characters on Earth. The goal remains the same: allowing good people to defeat evil, fight for their lives, and survive another day.” In putting together the COMBAT EDITION, Clint Emerson harvested from the skills of a diverse group of 16 top subject matter experts, ranging from the world of special operations to badass pro fighters, martial artists and outlaw bikers. They include, in chapter order, Tony Blauer, Tony Jeffries, Marcus Torgerson, Stephen K. Hayes, Zoltan Bathory, Joe Robaina, Brian Halliday, Jason Johnson, Rich Graham, Trevor Roe, Pat McNamara, John Lovell, Dom Raso, Greg Thompson, and Bill Rapier. The weaponry in the book is equally diverse, covering everything from handguns and edged weapons to improvised weapons and environmental factors. Each of the techniques in the book draws on the unique skill sets of the carefully selected cadre of subject matter experts and is carefully broken down to its component parts step-by-step, following the basic five paragraph warning order (WARNO) format, in order to “radically improve your chances of coming out on top—whether you’re faced by an active shooter or coming toe to toe with a belligerent prick.”...
Full review - Book Review: 100 Deadly Skills COMBAT EDITION by Clint Emerson
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Mini Pocket Corner Silver Monocular
Fit for: scientific bird-watching, wilderness expedition, travel, outdoor sports equipment, watch the game live, performance, adventure observe the terrain and enjoy the scenery, etc.
With Noctilucent Display or Not: Yes
Model Number: M0820M2
Waterproof / Water-Resistant: No
Shockproof or Not: No
Magnification: 8X
Field of View : 96m/1000m, 282ft/ 1000YDS
Caliber: 20 mm
Close Focus: 5 m
Eye Cup: Folding
Coating : fully green film coated
Prism Material: BAK7
Exit pupil Diameter: 2.1 mm
Exit pupil distance: 9.8 mm
Relative brightness: 6.8
Available in stores
Маленькая подзорная труба для города. Монокуляр легко помещается в кулак.
Monday, August 2, 2021
100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition. 001. Become Crisis Proof
Будьте всегда готовы к кризисной ситуации
Выбирайте одежду, вспомогательные средства и настраивайте себя так, чтобы повысить свои шансы на выживание при возникновении кризисной ситуации
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения. В смертельно опасной ситуации, когда счет идет на доли секунды, эти навыки помогут и обычному человеку спасти жизнь — свою и окружающих.
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)