Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2016

US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76. Department of Defense

US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76. Department of Defense

This is the official U.S. Army guide to surviving all manner of extreme, life-threatening situations. Field-tested and time-honored, the strategies and techniques within have been recorded by the U.S. Army and are used regularly for official training. Topics covered include:

  • Psychology of Survival
  • Survival Planning and Preparation
  • Basic Medicine
  • Shelters and Firecraft
  • Procurement of Food and Water
  • Edible and Medicinal Plants
  • Poisonous Plants and Dangerous Animals
  • Weapons and Tools
  • Water Crossings and Obstacles
  • Direction Finding and Signaling
  • Survival and Escape of Hostile Areas
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76. Department of Defense
This guide also contains chapters on survival in specific climates like the desert, tropics, cold weather, and the sea, and dangerous man-made conditions including nuclear, chemical, and biological hazards. This is important information for soldiers, hikers, back-packers, hunters, and climbers. If you want to be prepared when things get real, this is the book you need.
Readers interested in related titles from The U.S. Army will also want to see:
  • Army Guerrilla Warfare Handbook (ISBN: 1626542732)
  • Army Guide to Boobytraps (ISBN: 1626544700)
  • Army Improvised Munitions Handbook (ISBN: 1626542678)
  • Army Leadership Field Manual FM 22-100 (ISBN: 1626544298)
  • Army M-1 Garand Technical Manual (ISBN: 1626543305)
  • Army Physical Readiness Training with Change FM 7-22 (ISBN: 1626544018)
  • Army Special Forces Guide to Unconventional Warfare (ISBN: 1626542708)
  • Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual (ISBN: 1626544247)
  • Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 3-25.26 (ISBN: 1626542988)
  • Ranger Handbook SH 21-76 (ISBN: 1626545197)
  • Rigging Techniques, Procedures, and Applications FM 5-125 (ISBN: 1626544336)
  • Special Forces Sniper Training and Employment FM 3-05.222 (ISBN: 1626544484)
  • The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad FM 3-21.8 / 7-8 (ISBN: 1626544271)
  • Understanding Rigging (ISBN: 1626544670)

Friday, January 1, 2016

SAS Survival Handbook. John 'Lofty' Wiseman. Джон Уайзман: Выживание везде и всегда

SAS Survival Handbook: The Definitive Survival Guide. John 'Lofty' Wiseman. Джон Уайзман: Выживание везде и всегда
SAS Survival Handbook: The Definitive Survival Guide. John 'Lofty' Wiseman. Джон Уайзман: Выживание везде и всегда
Самое авторитетное в мире руководство по выживанию в любой ситуации, в любом месте, снова с нами. Теперь и с рекомендациями по преодолению городских опасностей. Эта книга стала неотъемлемым спутником искателей приключений во всем мире. Подготовьтесь к выживанию на море, на суше и в городских условиях, - от организации лагеря и поиска пищи в глуши до обеспечения безопасности и самообороны на улице. Мультимиллионный мировой бестселлер легендарного Джона "Лофти" Уайзмана реально учит выживать. Джон "Лофти" Уайзман прослужил в Специальной авиадесантной службе Великобритании (SAS) двадцать шесть лет. Руководство "Выживание везде и всегда" основано на личном опыте автора и его сослуживцев, методах подготовки и тренировки этого всемирно известного элитного подразделения.
Эта книга - практическое руководство, как выжить в дикой природе, в любых климатических условиях, на суше и на море, предназначена для всех, кто ведет активный образ жизни (туристов, путешественников, моряков), а также для тех, кто оказался в экстремальной ситуации в результате аварии или катастрофы.

Джон Уайзман: Выживание везде и всегда. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)
SAS Survival Handbook: The Definitive Survival Guide. John 'Lofty' Wiseman. Джон Уайзман: Выживание везде и всегда
Переводчик: Суслов Юрий
Издательство: Астрель, 2013 г.
У меня есть эта книга изданная в 2010
SAS Survival Handbook: The Definitive Survival Guide. John 'Lofty' Wiseman. Джон Уайзман: Выживание везде и всегда
Переводчик: Суслов Юрий
Издательство: АСТ, 2014 г.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

100 Deadly Skills. No.005 Build an Improvised Concealable Holster

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. No.005 Build an Improvised Concealable Holster
CONOP: Construct a concealable pistol holster utilizing a wire clothes hanger.
BLUF: A good concealable holster should also provide support and security for the pistol.

Сделайте импровизированную запрятанную кобуру
ГО (Основное в операциях): изготавливаем запрятанную пистолетную кобуру, используя проволоку с одежной вешалки

Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер ВМФ, основывается на своем обширном опыте, который включает 20 лет участия в спецоперациях по всему миру, в составе группы и в одиночку, и соединяет навыки разведчика и бойца. Знания и умения, описанные в книге, дают возможность выстоять в любых переделках: вы узнаете, как уходить от слежки, вырываться из рук похитителей, противостоять нападению. Это одновременно и практическое пособие, и захватывающее чтение, приоткрывающее завесу тайны над жизнью агентов спецслужб.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

100 Deadly Skills. No.004 Make a Concealable Compass

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. No.004 Make a Concealable Compass
CONOP: Construct and conceal a fail-safe backup compass.
BLUF: Poor navigation is the number-one cause of recapture after escape.

Сделайте запрятанный компас
ГО (Основное в операциях): изготавливаем и запрятываем отказоустойчивый запасной компас

Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер ВМФ, основывается на своем обширном опыте, который включает 20 лет участия в спецоперациях по всему миру, в составе группы и в одиночку, и соединяет навыки разведчика и бойца. Знания и умения, описанные в книге, дают возможность выстоять в любых переделках: вы узнаете, как уходить от слежки, вырываться из рук похитителей, противостоять нападению. Это одновременно и практическое пособие, и захватывающее чтение, приоткрывающее завесу тайны над жизнью агентов спецслужб.

Friday, October 16, 2015

100 Deadly Skills. No.003 Build a Vehicle Bolt Bag

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. No.003 Build a Vehicle Bolt Bag

CONOP: Be ready to move when crisis strikes.
BLUF: A solid bolt bag should contain one day of life support.

Сложи рюкзак с НАЗ для транспортного средства
ГО (Основное в операциях): будь готов выдвигаться, когда нагрянет кризис

Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер ВМФ, основывается на своем обширном опыте, который включает 20 лет участия в спецоперациях по всему миру, в составе группы и в одиночку, и соединяет навыки разведчика и бойца. Знания и умения, описанные в книге, дают возможность выстоять в любых переделках: вы узнаете, как уходить от слежки, вырываться из рук похитителей, противостоять нападению. Это одновременно и практическое пособие, и захватывающее чтение, приоткрывающее завесу тайны над жизнью агентов спецслужб.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

100 Deadly Skills. No.002 Create an Every Day Carry Kit

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. No.002  Create an Every Day Carry Kit
CONOP: Acquire and consolidate specific items in order to equip Every Day Carry (EDC) kits.

Создавай Носимые Аварийные Запасы
ГО (Основное в операциях): приобрети и объедините специальное снаряжение для создания Носимых Аварийных Запасов (НАЗ)

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. No.002 Create an Every Day Carry Kit
COA 3: Operational Bag (Man Purse)-Zero Trace Messenger Bag
BLUF: Life is unpredictable. EDC kits provide the upper hand against the unknown.
Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер ВМФ, основывается на своем обширном опыте, который включает 20 лет участия в спецоперациях по всему миру, в составе группы и в одиночку, и соединяет навыки разведчика и бойца. Знания и умения, описанные в книге, дают возможность выстоять в любых переделках: вы узнаете, как уходить от слежки, вырываться из рук похитителей, противостоять нападению. Это одновременно и практическое пособие, и захватывающее чтение, приоткрывающее завесу тайны над жизнью агентов спецслужб.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

100 Deadly Skills. No.001 Anatomy of violent nomad

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. No.001 Anatomy of violent nomad
CONOP (Concept of Operation): Conceal tools of survival and escape in order to decrease exposure to threats.
BLUF: Blend in but always carry a gun and cash. What can't be purchased with one can be procured with the other.

Анатомия неистового кочевника
ГО (Основное в операциях): спрячь средства выживания и избегай, чтобы уменьшить последствия угроз

Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер ВМФ, основывается на своем обширном опыте, который включает 20 лет участия в спецоперациях по всему миру, в составе группы и в одиночку, и соединяет навыки разведчика и бойца. Знания и умения, описанные в книге, дают возможность выстоять в любых переделках: вы узнаете, как уходить от слежки, вырываться из рук похитителей, противостоять нападению. Это одновременно и практическое пособие, и захватывающее чтение, приоткрывающее завесу тайны над жизнью агентов спецслужб.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Clint Emerson. 100 Deadly Skills

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. Clint Emerson
100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. Clint Emerson.
In today's increasingly dangerous world, threats to your personal safety are everywhere. From acts of terror to mass shootings, and from the unseen (and sometimes virtual) matrix of everyday crime, danger is no longer confined to dark alleys or unstable regions. Potentially life-threatening circumstances can arise anywhere, anytime, and Clint Emerson-former Navy SEAL-wants you to be prepared. 100 Deadly Skills contains proven self-defense skills, evasion tactics, and immobilizing maneuvers-modified from the world of black ops-to help you take action in numerous "worst case" scenarios from escaping a locked trunk, to making an improvised Taser, to tricking facial recognition software. With easy-to-understand instructions and illustrations, Emerson outlines in detail many life-saving strategies and teaches you how to think and act like a member of the special forces. This complete course in survival teaches you how to prevent tracking, evade a kidnapping, elude an active shooter, rappel down the side of a building, immobilize a bad guy, protect yourself against cyber-criminals, and much more-all using low-tech to "no-tech" methods. Clear, detailed, and presented in an easy-to-understand and execute format, 100 Deadly Skills is an invaluable resource. Because let's face it, when danger is imminent, you don't have time for complicated instructions.

Good, useful book, read quickly. In plans to reread again. Translation into Russian is terrible, it was made by some peasantry

Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер ВМФ, основывается на своем обширном опыте, который включает 20 лет участия в спецоперациях по всему миру, в составе группы и в одиночку, и соединяет навыки разведчика и бойца. Знания и умения, описанные в книге, дают возможность выстоять в любых переделках: вы узнаете, как уходить от слежки, вырываться из рук похитителей, противостоять нападению. Это одновременно и практическое пособие, и захватывающее чтение, приоткрывающее завесу тайны над жизнью агентов спецслужб.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected. Jason Hanson

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected. Jason Hanson
The New York Times bestseller that reveals the safety, security, and survival techniques that 99% of Americans don’t know—but should When Jason Hanson joined the CIA in 2003, he never imagined that the same tactics he used as a CIA officer for counter intelligence, surveillance, and protecting agency personnel would prove to be essential in every day civilian life. In addition to escaping handcuffs, picking locks, and spotting when someone is telling a lie, he can improvise a self-defense weapon, pack a perfect emergency kit, and disappear off the grid if necessary. He has also honed his “positive awareness”—a heightened sense of his surroundings that allows him to spot suspicious and potentially dangerous behavior—on the street, in a taxi, at the airport, when dining out, or in any other situation. In his engaging and empowering book Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life, Jason shares this know-how with readers, revealing how to: • prevent home invasions, carjackings, muggings, and other violent crimes • run counter-surveillance and avoid becoming a soft target • recognize common scams at home and abroad • become a human lie detector in any setting, including business negotiations • gain peace of mind by being prepared for anything instead of uninformed or afraid With the skill of a trained operative and the relatability of a suburban dad, Jason Hanson brings his top-level training to everyday Americans in this must-have guide to staying safe in an increasingly dangerous world.
Джейсон Хансон: Защити себя по методикам спецслужб. Бывший спецагент раскрывает методы, которые могут спасти жизнь
Офицер ЦРУ рассказывает, как методики спецслужб могут помочь в обычной жизни и обеспечить вашу безопасность. Когда Джейсон Хансон стал работать в ЦРУ в 2003 году, он не мог предположить, что тактики и приемы, используемые в контрразведке, наблюдении и для защиты специальных агентов, могут быть полезны гражданским в обычной жизни. Он может освободиться от наручников, взломать замок, определить, врет ли собеседник, создать импровизированное оружие для самообороны или аптечку из подручных материалов. Кроме того, у него развилась повышенная бдительность - он постоянно "сканирует" окружающую обстановку, моментально определяя подозрительное поведение у окружающих и малейшие признаки опасности. Этими навыками Хансон делится с читателями в своей книге, показывая, как: Избежать домашнего ограбления, угона и захвата машины, уличного нападения и других жестоких преступлений; Определить, что за вами следят; Вычислить мошенников - в том числе в поездках за границей; Стать детектором лжи и определять, что вас обманывают, в любой обстановке - включая деловые переговоры; Быть готовым к любым неожиданностям. Джейсон Хансон адаптировал навыки и умения высшего уровня для обычных граждан, живущих в современном - и не самом безопасном - мире. Для кого эта книга Для всех, кто хочет обеспечить свою безопасность и безопасность своей семьи. Об авторе Джейсон Хансон - бывший офицер Центрального Разведывательного Управления (ЦРУ) США, специалист по безопасности. Обучает гражданских навыкам самообороны и защиты в своей школе "Spy Escape and Evasion". Выступал в качестве эксперта по безопасности в ведущих СМИ - таких, как The Wall Street Journal, Fox News и The Huffington Post. Проживает в штате Юта, США со своей семьей.
На обложке - удостоверение и значок ФБР с фотографией автора. Но в аннотации: «Джейсон Хансон - бывший офицер Центрального Разведывательного Управления (ЦРУ) США».

Джейсон Хансон: Защити себя по методикам спецслужб. Бывший спецагент раскрывает методы, которые могут спасти жизнь. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Ultimate Survival Medicine Guide: Emergency Preparedness for ANY Disaster

The Ultimate Survival Medicine Guide: Emergency Preparedness for ANY Disaster. Joe Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, ARNP
The Ultimate Survival Medicine Guide: Emergency Preparedness for any Disaster is the new abridged version of the bestselling book The Survival Medicine Handbook. This unique medical book is meant to enable the average person to handle injuries and illness in situations in which modern medical facilities and professionals aren’t available due to a disaster. This book is written by America’s top medical preparedness experts: Joe Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, ARNP. Their mission: to put a medically prepared person in every family for when medical help is not on the way. Using decades of medical experience, they address, in plain language, dozens of medical issues associated with surviving disasters and epidemics. The Altons also discuss the medical supplies needed to become a medical asset to your family and community as well as alternative and natural strategies for when pharmaceuticals aren’t available. Most medical books will send you to the doctor or hospital when an emergency happens. The Ultimate Survival Medicine Guide assumes what might actually happen—that the average person could be left without medical help in a disaster. With this unique book, you’ll have a head start on keeping your family healthy in times of trouble.
No one knows what the next disaster will be: earthquake, Coronavirus, flu epidemic, flood, terrorist attack. But everyone should know how to survive a medical emergency if a medical professional isn’t available. From Dr. Joe Alton and Amy Alton ARNP comes an updated edition of their bestseller The Survival Medicine Handbook. This unique medical book is meant to enable the average person to handle injuries and illness in situations in which modern medical facilities and professionals aren’t available due to a disaster. This book is written by America’s top medical preparedness experts: Joe Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, ARNP. Their mission: to put a medically prepared person in every family for when medical help is not on the way. Using decades of medical experience, they address, in plain language, dozens of medical issues associated with surviving disasters and epidemics. The Altons also discuss the medical supplies needed to become a medical asset to your family and community as well as alternative and natural strategies for when pharmaceuticals aren’t available. Topics include: Appendicitis and Conditions that Mimic It Urinary Tract Infections Mosquito-Borne Illnesses Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis Head Injuries Animal Bites Snake Bites Head injuries Kidney Stones Dislocations and Fractures Nosebleeds Pain Medications Natural Pain Relief And much much more! Most medical books will send you to the doctor or hospital when an emergency happens. The Altons assume that the worst might actually happen—that the average person could be left without medical help in a disaster. With their book, you can keep your family healthy in times of trouble.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Advanced Bushcraft: An Expert Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival. Dave Canterbury

Advanced Bushcraft: An Expert Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival - Bushcraft. Dave Canterbury
Trek deeper into the wilderness with New York Times bestselling author Dave Canterbury! In this valuable guide, survivalist Dave Canterbury goes beyond bushcraft basics to teach you how to survive in the backcountry with little or no equipment. Using the foundation you learned in Bushcraft 101, Canterbury shows you how to completely immerse yourself in the wilderness with advanced bushcraft and woodcraft techniques. He covers crucial survival skills like tracking to help you get even closer to wildlife, crafting medicines from plants, and navigating without the use of a map or compass. He also offers ways to improvise and save money on bushcraft essentials like fire-starting tools and packs. With Canterbury's expert advice and guidance, you will learn how to forgo your equipment, make use of your surroundings, and truly enjoy the wilderness. Whether you're eager to learn more after your first real outdoor adventure or have been exploring the backcountry for years, Advanced Bushcraft will help you take your self-reliance and wilderness experience to the next level.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Hobbyist's Guide to the RTL-SDR: Really Cheap Software Defined Radio. Mr. Carl Laufer

The Hobbyist's Guide to the RTL-SDR: Really Cheap Software Defined Radio. Mr. Carl Laufer
A comprehensive guide to the RTL2832U RTL-SDR software defined radio by the authors of the RTL-SDR Blog. The RTL-SDR is a super cheap software defined radio based on DVB-T TV dongles that can be found for under $20. This book is about tips and tutorials that show you how to get the most out of your RTL-SDR dongle. Most projects described in this book are also compatible with other wideband SDRs such as the HackRF, Airspy and SDRPlay RSP. What's in the book?
  • Learn how to set up your RTL-SDR with various free software defined radio programs such as SDR#, HDSDR, SDR-Radio and more.
  • Learn all the little tricks and oddities that the dongle has.
  • A whole chapter dedicated to improving the RTL-SDR's performance.
  • Dozens of tutorials for fun RTL-SDR based projects such as ADS-B aircraft radar, AIS boat radar, ACARS decoding, receiving NOAA and Meteor-M2 weather satellite images, listening to and following trunked radios, decoding digital voice P25/DMR signals, decoding weather balloon telemetry, receiving DAB radio, analysing GSM and listening to TETRA signals, decoding pagers, receiving various HF signals such as ham radio modes, weatherfax and DRM radio, decoding digital D-STAR voice, an introduction to GNU Radio, decoding RDS, decoding APRS, measuring filters and SWR with low cost equipment, receiving Inmarsat, AERO and Iridium L-Band satellite data, and many many more projects!
  • Guide to antennas, cables and adapters.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

How to Become a Spy: The World War II SOE Training Manual

How to Become a Spy: The World War II SOE Training Manual. A Paperback edition by British Special Operations Executive in English (25 Jun 2015)
During World War II, training in the black arts of covert operation was vital preparation for the ?ungentlemanly warfare" waged by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) against Hitler's Germany and Tojo's Japan. In the early years of the war, the SOE set up top secret training schools to instruct prospective agents in the art of being a spy. Soon there was an international network of schools in operation in secluded locations ranging from the Scottish Highlands to Singapore and Canada. Reproduced here is one of the most comprehensive training syllabi used at SOE's Special Training Schools (STSs) instructing agents on how to wreak maximum havoc in occupied Europe and beyond. A staggering array of unconventional skills are covered-from burglary, close combat, and silent killing, to utilizing propaganda, surveillance, and disguise-giving an unprecedented insight into the workings of one of WWII's most intriguing organizations. These files, released from the British National Archive, put covert history in readers' hands. Uncover an exciting, little-known part of WWII history and delve into the inner workings of a real spy network. Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in history--books about World War II, the Third Reich, Hitler and his henchmen, the JFK assassination, conspiracies, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, gladiators, Vikings, ancient Rome, medieval times, the old West, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: The Classic Guide to Building Wilderness Shelters. D.C. Beard

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: The Classic Guide to Building Wilderness Shelters. D.C. Beard
This excellent hands-on guide by one of the founders of the Boy Scouts of America contains a wealth of practical instruction and advice on how to build everything from a bark teepee and a tree-top house to a log cabin and a sod house. No professional architects are needed here; and knowing how to use an axe is more important than possessing carpentry skills. More than 300 of the author's own illustrations and a clear, easy-to-follow text enable campers to create such lodgings as half-cave shelters, beaver mat huts, birch bark shacks, over-water camps, a Navajo hogan, and a pole house. Additional chapters provide information on how to use an axe, split and notch logs, make a fireplace, and even build appropriate gateways to log houses, game preserves, ranches, and other open areas. An invaluable book for scouts, campers, hikers, and hunters of all ages, this guide and its fascinating collection of outdoor lore "still has intrinsic value," said Whole Earth Magazine, and will be of keen interest to any modern homesteader.

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: And How To Build Them. D. Beard
Originally published in 1914, this handbook is still as essential for the modern builder as it was for the homesteader of the last century. This guide contains step-by-step instructions for building "worry-free" shelters, including special settings such as a sod house, a tree house, an "over-water" camp, a bog ken, and much more. The passionate builder will find illustrated instructions for comforts such as hearths and chimneys, notched log ladders, and even how to rig the front door with a secret lock.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State
No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State
by Glenn Greenwald
In May 2013 Glenn Greenwald set out for Hong Kong to meet an anonymous source who claimed to have astonishing evidence of pervasive government spying and insisted on communicating only through heavily encrypted channels. That source turned out to be the twenty-nine-year-old NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and his revelations about the agency's widespread, systemic overreach proved to be some of the most explosive and consequential news in recent history, triggering a fierce debate over national security and information privacy. Now, for the first time, Greenwald fits all the pieces together, recounting his high-intensity ten-day trip to Hong Kong, examining the broader implications of the surveillance detailed in his reporting for the Guardian, and reveahng fresh information on the NSA's unprecedented abuse of power with never-before-seen documents entrusted to him by Snowden himself. Going beyond the NSA, Greenwald also takes on the establishment media for their failure to serve the interests of the people and asks what it means both for individuals and for a nation's political health when a government pries so invasively into the private lives of its citizens. Coming at a landmark moment in our history, No Place to Hide is a fearless, incisive and essential contribution to our understanding of the surveillance state.

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State. Гленн Гринвальд: Негде спрятаться. Эдвард Сноуден и зоркий глаз Дядюшки Сэма

Гленн Гринвальд: Негде спрятаться. Эдвард Сноуден и зоркий глаз Дядюшки Сэма

Скрытое наблюдение Дядюшки Сэма - больше не секрет. Тайны Агентства национальной безопасности раскрыты. Книга основана на сенсационных документах, полученных автором лично от Эдварда Сноудена. Впервые преданы огласке секретные материалы, касающиеся массового электронного шпионажа. Автор - Гленн Гринвальд, золотое перо газеты "Гардиан", признанный мастер журналистских расследований.

Гленн Гринвальд: Негде спрятаться. Эдвард Сноуден и зоркий глаз Дядюшки Сэма. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Badass Survival Secrets: Essential Skills to Survive Any Crisis. James Henry

Badass Survival Secrets: Essential Skills to Survive Any Crisis. James Henry
You're a backpacker or a hunter lost in the woods after sundown; what do you do? Your car flips over on an empty highway; how will you survive until morning? If you were left alone in the middle of the wilderness, would you be able to make it? While current technology, such as cell phones and GPS, is helpful, when you are lost in the wilderness the best things you can rely on are your own skills. Badass Survival Secrets will introduce you to everything that you need to survive when the unexpected happens. In this book you'll learn basic survival skills such as:
  • How to build a fire
  • How to find clean water
  • How to find food that is safe to eat
  • How to build a shelter
  • Basic navigation
  • And many more useful skills!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Last-Minute Survival Secrets: 128 Ingenious Tips to Endure the Coming Apocalypse and Other Minor Inconveniences

Last-Minute Survival Secrets: 128 Ingenious Tips to Endure the Coming Apocalypse and Other Minor Inconveniences by Joey Green
The Department of Homeland Security advises all citizens to develop an Emergency Preparedness Plan, along with a Disaster Supply Kit . . . but who has the time? Don’t panic—it’s Joey Green to the rescue! Last-Minute Survival Secrets contains more than a hundred ingenious survival tips that may sound quirky at first but really do work. You will discover how to escape perilous situations using common household products: • Start a campfire with potato chips • Create a Wi-Fi antenna from a coffee can • Repair a broken fan belt with a pair of panty hose • Prevent heatstroke with a disposable diaper • Remove cactus spines with Elmer’s glue • Open a locked suitcase with a ballpoint pen • And much, much more!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Total Outdoorsman Skills & Tools: 324 Tips (Field & Stream). T. Edward Nickens

The Total Outdoorsman Skills & Tools: 324 Tips (Field & Stream). T. Edward Nickens
Field & Stream editor-at-large T. Edward Nickens has paddled, backpacked, hunted, and fished from the rainforest to the Arctic Sea. Winner of more than two dozen national writing awards, he is TV host for the Total Outdoorsman Challenge, which has aired on The Outdoor Channel for five years. In this book, he shares his wisdom and that of Field & Stream's outdoor experts and featured guides. --This text refers to the flexibound edition.
The editor-at-large of Field & Stream guides you through the skills and tools you need to be a better outdoorsman and be ready for anything. KNOW IT ALL What makes someone a total outdoorsman? It’s a mix of know-how, enthusiasm, experience…and having the right tools. In this follow-up to the top-selling Total Outdoorsman Manual author T. Edward Nickens returns with another 300+ hints on how to get the most from your hunting, fishing, and camping trips…and how to survive if something goes wrong. CAMP IN STYLE What do you really need to bring along to sleep comfortably, keep away varmints, set up an amazing camp kitchen, and handle on-the-spot butchering? Eddie knows, and shares in detail. HUNT BETTER The skills and tools you need track your prey, make the toughest shots, master bowhunting and knife skills, and haul, butcher, and cook wild game. FISH SMARTER Everything you need to master fly fishing, baitcasting, and spinning, as well as surefire ways to get the most out of your motorboat, canoe, or kayak whether you’re fishing on a shoestring budget or investing in a dream trip. SURVIVE ANYTHING When the chips are down and help is far away, these are the skills that can save your life, and the tools that will get you out of any wilderness situation safely.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to Bushcraft

Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival - Bushcraft. Dave Canterbury
"With advice on not just getting along, but truly reconnecting with the great outdoors, Dave Canterbury's treasure trove of world-renowned wisdom and experience comes to life within these pages." -Bustle A New York Times Bestseller in Sports and Travel! The ultimate resource for experiencing the backcountry! Written by survivalist expert Dave Canterbury, Bushcraft 101 gets you ready for your next backcountry trip with advice on making the most of your time outdoors. Based on the 5Cs of Survivability--cutting tools, covering, combustion devices, containers, and cordages--this valuable guide offers only the most important survival skills to help you craft resources from your surroundings and truly experience the beauty and thrill of the wilderness. Inside, you'll also discover detailed information on: Choosing the right items for your kit. Manufacturing needed tools and supplies. Collecting and cooking food. Protecting yourself from the elements. With Canterbury's guidance, you'll not only prepare yourself for any climate and situation, you'll also learn how to use the art of bushcraft to reconnect with nature in ways you've never imagined.

Дейв Кентербери: Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе (Bushcraft 101. A Field Guide To The Art Of Wilderness Survival)
Дейв Кентербери: Манифест Выжившего. 101 навык для выживания в дикой природе. Бумажная версия на русском языке. (Лабиринт)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Practical Preppers Complete Guide to Disaster Preparedness. Scott Hunt

The Practical Preppers Complete Guide to Disaster Preparedness. Scott Hunt
A complete guide to disaster preparedness from Scott Hunt, CEO of Practical Preppers and a nationally recognized preparedness expert The world we live in is an unstable one. From natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods of biblical proportions to concerns about the economic downturn and government shutdown, the hits just keep on coming. At the same time, the power grid is incredibly fragile. Our dependency on widely distributed long distance systems for power, medicine, and food makes our society susceptible to attack, whether by foreign or domestic enemies, or the weather. No matter the concern, the solutions are the same. Scott Hunt, the owner of Practical Preppers, and an experienced engineer, homesteader, and pastor, offers readers a complete and detailed guide to sustainable living. With The Practical Preppers Complete Guide to Disaster Preparedness, anyone can learn how to: - Secure a water source-even in an urban area - Grow and preserve food - Set up an alternative energy supply - Maintain a comfortable shelter -including alternative cooking and sanitation methods during a long power outage - Bug out-what to include in your bug out bag and how to leave - Prepare for medical issues - Deal with security concerns Preparing for disruption of services in an emergency is a noble venture which gives peace of mind. This book will empower readers of all skill levels and resources to survive and achieve an independent, sustainable lifestyle.