Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mini Magnetic Audio Recorder Q70

Mini Magnetic Audio Recorder Q70
Model: Q70
Color: black
Battery: 240mAh
Recording time: 40 days and 40 nights continuous recording
Standby time: 365 days
Sampling Rate: 48khz
Bit Rate: 192kbit
Singal to noise ratio: greater than 88dB
Record Audio Format: WAV
Voice Activated Recording: Yes
Size: 65*25*12mm/2.6*0.1*0.5 inch
Weight: 150g
Interface: micro USB
No External Memory
No Speakers
Magnetic adsorption
Package: Yes
Despite the fact that the voice recorder has one microphone, one sound source, the recording is in stereo.

Review: Good voice recorder. Very sensitive microphone. But it's hard to enable voice activation.
Do not connect the voice recorder to a computer until recording is turned off on the voice recorder itself, this may damage its file system.
The device worked for 11 days in the Voice Activated Recording mode.
The device spontaneously resets the date and time

How to set the date and time in Q70 Voice Recorder
There is a file in the root directory of the recorder file system - FACTORY.TXT.
VOR:0 BIT RATE:3 GAIN:7 SEG:(300) DATE:2020-05-15
Change the date and time to neccesary values, save the file and turn on Voice Recorder to take them into effect.
VOR stands for Voice-operated recording.
Changing 0 to 1 after VOR will enable it.
BIT RATE:3 - 192Kbit, BIT RATE:4 - 384Kbit

Available in stores
Мини аудио рекордер Q70 с магнитом

1 comment:

  1. The View Best Mini Voice Recorder, available at Spy Shop Online, is a compact and discreet audio recording device, perfect for your spying needs. Contact Spy Shop Online at 9999332099.
