Sunday, March 18, 2018

5.11 tactical RUSH72™ 55L Backpack - design drawback, mesh is torn

There is drawback of design in 5.11 tactical RUSH™ 72 Hour 55L Backpack due to which the mesh in admin compartment is torn
Mesh in admin compartment of 5.11 tactical RUSH72™ Hour 55L Backpack
While opening of the admin compartment, I heard a crackle sound and saw that the mesh began to get shaggy a little.
Velcro fasten straps are the source tears in the mesh in admin compartment of 5.11 tactical RUSH72™ 55L Backpack
The source of a crackle sound and tears were Velcro fasten straps that were exactly opposite the mesh
Velcro fasteners must always be kept closed in admin compartment of 5.11 tactical RUSH72™ 55L Backpack
To avoid the destruction of the mesh, the Velcro fasteners must always be kept closed.
By the way, from the supplier from the factory the 5.11 tactical RUSH72™ Backpack came with Velcro fasten straps opened.

Here is a suggestion for 5.11 tactical designers to improve the RUSH72™ Backpack: make the pockets on the opposite side at least for an inch smaller to prevent Velcro fasteners to get any more onto the mesh.

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