Tuesday, June 7, 2022

10 Commandments of Gray Man. Tactics and Mindset

10 Commandments of Gray Man. Tactics and Mindset
  1. Do not create excess stimuli for others.
  2. Be aware of others and your surroundings.
  3. Maintain calmness and self-control.
  4. Do not wear tactical clothing or gear.
  5. Avoid bright-colored clothing/accessories.
  6. Practice good OPSEC and PERSEC protocols.
  7. Do not seek out conflicts.
  8. Choose flight over fight when possible.
  9. Learn and use counter-surveillance tactics.
  10. Your safety is YOUR responsibility.
OPSEC stands for Operations Security,
PERSEC - for Personal Security.
Source - Hidden Success Tactical

Monday, June 6, 2022

Gray Man Quick-Reference Guide for Urban Concealment Basics

Gray Man Quick-Reference Guide for Urban Concealment Basics
    Avoid technology distractions by:
  1. Limiting dependence on mobile devices
  2. Reducing focus on attention seekers
  3. Limiting earbud and headphone use
    Choose gear that:
  1. You gain/maintain tactical proficiency
  2. You can concealably carry
  3. You can easily deploy
    Obtain subject knowledge through:
  1. Books and manuals
  2. Training courses
  3. Online materials
    Gestures Use self-control to:
  1. Reduce produced stimuli
  2. Present neutral body language
  3. Avoid conflict and offence
    Take advantage of gaps in:
  1. CCTV coverage
  2. Lapses of attention by others
  3. Security oversights
    Garments Choose clothing that:
  1. Mirrors others
  2. Respects cultural environment
  3. Acknowledges social norms
    Continually analyze your walk by:
  1. Increasing or reducing speed
  2. Changing direction when necessary
  3. Go with the established pedestrian flow
    Remain cognizant of:
  1. The proximity of others
  2. Changes in your environment
  3. Points of egress/escape
    Use your intelligence by:
  1. Reading, learning and practicing to acquire skills
  2. Heeding intuition/gut instincts
  3. Using common sense
Source - Hidden Success Tactical

72-Hour Survival Kit. Stay alert and keep these items ready this rainy season

72-Hour Survival Kit. Stay alert and keep these items ready this rainy season
When it rains, It pours! When you get wet, make sure you have dry clothes to quickly change into. You can't afford to get sick and in times like these, the threat of disease spreading is extremely high

It's bad enough that you don't have a signal on your mobile phone but worse when you run out of battery. When you're in distress and need to draw attention to yourself, having a whistle can help rescuers spot you.

When electricity is out, don't be left in the dark. A handy flashlight will be your best guide as you rummage through the darkness.

You can survive without food but not without water; it's the most important thing on your list and should be the first thing you pack in your survival kit. Prepare at least 3 liters of water that's good for 3 days.

When you need to thread on high waters, it's a good idea to keep your important documents in a waterproof-container or resealable plastic bag.

If you're stranded in the middle of nowhere and you need to call for help, your mobile phone will do, just make sure your battery is always full. So hold off on playing Candy Crush for now, your ticket request can wait.

Whatever the weather is, you should have a first aid kit with you at all times. Just remember, your best defense is a good offense.

Keep up-to-date with what's going on in the news. Listen for updates and monitor events folowing a disaster. Ignoring evacuation instructions could spell the difference between life and death.

Food is vital for your survival. Just make sure you pack foods that will last at least 3-7 days. Packaged non-perishable or canned food and boxed juiced are best.

ATM offline? Always make sure you have cash on hand just in case you'll need to buy extra supplies.

Text by: Ralph Abogado
Graphics: Mica Cruz

Набор выживания на 3 Дня. Будьте бдительны и готовы

72-Hour Survival Kit. Набор выживания на 3 Дня. Будьте бдительны и готовы
Теплая кофта, курточка, термобельё и носки.
Одежда подбирается с учетом времени года.

Или другое сигнальное средство.
Одна из рекомендаций МЧС,между прочим.

Простой и надежный источник освещения в темном помещении или ночью.
Не забудьте про запасные батарейки.

Выжить 3 дня без еды - запросто. А без воды нет.
Чистая питьевая вода в герметичной таре в количестве 3 литра на человека.

Документы, устанавливающие личность, документы на оружие, на ТС, свидетельства о рождении детей, и т.п.
Хранить лучше в герметичном контейнере или пакете.

Может понадобится в любой экстренной ситуации.
Гуглите рекомендации по комплектации, чтобы не ошибиться с выбором препаратов.

Просто, чтобы быть в курсе ситуации и следить за развитием событий.

ЕДА Консервы, сублиматы, крупы.
Все то, что быстро готовится и имеет долгий срок хранения.

Кредитка не прокатит.
Банкоматы могут уже не работать. Наличка поможет вам пополнить запасы продовольствия, или пройти через кордон, если это будет необходимо.

Проект "Гнездо Параноика" www.gnezdoparanoika.ru
Перевёл Параноик Семёнов, для настоящих параноиков, и во благо параноиков.

Собрался на салют?

72-Hour Survival Kit. Набор выживания на 3 Дня. Будьте бдительны и готовы. Собрался на салют?
Пошли тырить дальше

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Kevlar Heavy Duty Boot Laces

Kevlar Heavy Duty Boot Laces
I don't remember when I got them. Soon of all they came with other Tactical cargo.
These laces were in Dr.Martens, 8761 10-Eye Steel Toe boots while traveling to the Chernobyl Alienation Zone. For three days the laces never untied.
Kevlar Heavy Duty Boot Laces in 5.11 tactical ATAC® Storm Boots
Kevlar Heavy Duty Boot Laces in 5.11 tactical ATAC® Storm Boots

72 Hour Emergency Kit

72 Hour Emergency Kit
It's a bad enough that you don't have signal on your mobile phone but worse when you run out of battery. When you're in distress and need to draw attention to yourself, having a whistle can help rescuers spot you.

You can survive without food but not without water;
It's the most important thing on your list and should be the first think you pack in your survival kit.

If you're stranded in the middle of nowhere and you need to call for help, your mobile phone will do, just make sure your battery is always full.

ATM offline? Always make sure you have cash on hand just in case you'll need yo buy extra supplies.

Keep up-to-date with what's going on in the news. Listen for updates and monitor events followings disaster.

When it rains, it pours!
When you get wet, make sure you have dry clothes to quickly change into.
You can't afford to get sick and in times like these.

When electricity is out, don't be left in the dark. A handy flashlight will be your best guide as you rummage through the darkness.

When you need a thread on high waters, it's a good idea to keep your important documents in a waterproof container.

Whatever the wheater is, yo hould have a first aid kit with you all times.

Food is vital for your survival.
Just make sure you pack food that will last at least 3-7 days.