Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Harvest RH-660S 144/430MHz Dual Band High Gain SMA-Male Antenna

Harvest RH-660S 144/430MHz Dual Band High Gain SMA-Male Antenna
Frequency: 144/430MHz Dual Band
Gain: 3.0dB(144MHz), 5.0dB (430MHz)
Max Power: 10W
Inpedance: 50Ohm
Length: 28cm (108.5cm full stretch)
V.S.W.R: <1.5
Connector: SMA-Male
Weight: 76g
Color: Black
For Baofeng TYT Walkie Talkie UV-5R UV-B5 UV-82 BF-888S

Available in stores

Monday, October 9, 2017

Tactical Camouflage Molle Waist Belt

Tactical CP Camo Molle Waist Belt Girdle

Material: Wear-resistant nylon + nylon webbing
Color: CP Camo
Adjustable: 80-135 cm
Width: 11 cm

Тактический пояс с Molle в камуфляжной расцветке

Portable Mini Thumb Compass

Compass, which leads to the cherished goal
Portable Mini Thumb Compass

Case Material: Acrylic
Carrying Mode: Handheld Type
Waterproof / Water-Resistant: No

Available in stores

Review: Quick response, one can use.
The main difference of the liquid compass is the indisputable advantage of keeping the azimuth on the run.

Портативный мини-компас с зацепом для большого пальца

Sunday, October 1, 2017


оригинальный текст и орфографические ошибки цинично сохранены.

Курсовая работа

Директор Куприянов Александр Иванович-Мошенник и Сплетник!!!Будте Осторожны!!!Для тех кто желает работать в данной фирме и почувствовать себя первобытным рабом-Добро пожаловать!!!Есть видео.
16.01.2013, 17:43. Среда.


Дмитрий 2345678 30 июля, 21:32
На рынке эта контора долгое время. Заказывал двери , разнообразные по отделке и фурнитуре, делали быстро и качественно. Работали отличные ребята профессирналы своего дела. Но это было лет 5 назад. Вместе со старым коллективом, который творил, ушло и качество. Сейчас же работает сброд. Как может раздельщик рыбы сделать вам КАЧЕСТВО!!! Не сотрудничаю с этой конторой больше.

Татьяна 8 апреля, 22:45
Познакомилась я с этой организацией 15 марта 2010.Заключила договор,внесла аванс 50 % от стоимости,взяла чек. Хотя работник фирмы предлагал без чека обойтись, так как они давно работают и людей не обманывают.Приехал технолог, снял размеры.(было оговорено, что в семье все высокие , надо расширить проем и сделать на 2м в высоту.Он себе пометил.В первый раз везли- отбили уголок двери.Предлагали скидку,отказалась.Второй раз-дверь оказалась ТОЛЬКО 1м 90см, что на 10 см короче даже моей нынешней деревянной.Переделывать фирма отказалась.Сегодня 9 апреля, денег не возвращают,книгу жалоб не дали

Юрий, г. Брест 12 января, 10:23
Купил квартиру в новом доме. Входные двери поставляла выше упомянутая фирма. Внешний вид металлических входных дверей в целом неплохой. Вызывает нарекание качество работ. У меня забыли приварить лист обшивки двери к ребру жесткости. При этом дверь при открывании (закрывании) стучала, а обшивка изгибалась как морская волна. Так я месяц добивался, чтобы они соизволили приехать и установить причину дефекта, а потом еще месяц ждал пока они ее устранят. Чуть не "располнел на их завтраках". В общем в плане устранения брака фирма очень неисполнительная. Так что будьте внимательны с дверями этой фирм


дом №17 по пр. Газеты "Правда".
Итак ПЛАНЕРКА 27.10.2014г.
Присутствовали основные: Директор + Начальник ОТН и Технадзоры МИСКа, Зам.ген.директора "Стройтрест №7" (ген.директор интересовался планёркой по телефону, грозился приехать), Директор СУ-2 + Начальник участка Дмитрий (который больше всех кирует на объекте) ну и все остальные Субчики (итого человек 25-30, некоторым приходилось стоять, т.е. аншлаг был, в связи с чем предыдущий протокол выхватить не удалось).
Общий вопрос: в основном все тянут с процентовками, как я понимаю доделки доделывают и вот вот будут сдавать этапы работ.
2. БелМетСтройСервис (двери) Директор - самый гнилой тип на планерке, путался в показаниях юлил и т.п., типа всё успеем и т.д. (а по факту двери стояли припёртые к стене и никто их не ставил несколько дней), навязывал свою схему работы, но его прижали к стенке, обозначили срок до 10 ноября 100%, и дав срок три дня на закрытие вопроса по договору (не подписал его он т.к. там штраф 10%, а у него рентабельность 7%, на прошлых домах такого не было с Гранитом тоже, ответ МИСКА - типа штраф обязательный т.к. новый закон с 1го толи апреля толи июля). Причём это последнее предупреждение, т.е. Стройтрест сказал что уже завтра начнёт искать нового поставщика.


22 октября 15, Андрей Оценка: 2
Выполняли для них на подряде работу в 2014. Остались должны 5,5 млн. рублей. Планируем судиться.


01.10.2017 13:55 // Пётр [Гость] ОТЗЫВЫ.BY - отзывы, идеи, предложения.
Каждое слово обман! Сроки не выдерживают, качество никакое! Не связывайтесь! Одну фирму закрыли, во второй - то же самое


Для справки - сейчас они называются ЧУП "Железное производство". Переучредились. В который раз уже. Еще одна их лавочка - "Сталь-Бет-Сити" ОДО
И уже начинают смешить, просто процитирую:
"Мы предоставляем широкий спектр услуг обеспечивающий прекрасный результат".

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Gray Man Theory: The Art Of Blending In During Disaster

The gray man theory is a way of disappearing into the crowd so you can move unnoticed when disaster strikes. The idea is that you can conceal your preparedness by blending in with the crowd before or during an emergency.
While it is generally referred to as the ‘gray man theory,’ this theory can, of course, be applied to anyone, man or woman, of any age, who needs to blend into a crowd amidst a disastrous situation to conceal the fact that they have survival skills and/or are carrying tactical gear.
When you think of ‘blending in with the crowd’ it’s generally a negative, right?
Nobody wants to be just like everyone else. You want to be unique, to stand out – that is, until there’s an emergency and you’re the only one prepared. As a prudent prepper, you’ll be ready when disaster strikes, but what will everyone around you be doing?
Panicking, most likely.
In states of panic, people become desperate, and desperation can lead people to do whatever it takes to stay alive – at this point, you certainly don’t want to be singled out as the one person prepared for survival.

Why Use the Gray Man Theory?

There are lots of advantages to blending in with the crowd when disaster strikes.
For starters, by not drawing attention to yourself, you’ll be able to move more quickly and easily through the crowd without alerting others to the fact that you are prepared to handle the situation.
Also, by blending in and appearing to be among the unprepared, you are less likely to make yourself a target of those in desperation who may try and take your survival gear off you by force.
The gray man theory is really about protecting yourself and your family by concealing the fact that you are indeed prepared to survive in the face of disaster.

The Benefits of Being a Gray Man

In a true disaster situation, your primary objective will be to move yourself and your loved ones as quickly as possible to a safe place – be that your home or bug-out location. In a disaster, everyone around you will have the same goal – get somewhere safe – but most will not have a sound plan in place, leading to frantic behavior and desperate attempts for survival. In this situation, disappearing into the crowd and not drawing attention to yourself or your state of preparedness can greatly increase your chances of survival.
By blending in, or becoming a gray man, you will be less likely to be approached by others seeking assistance and, more importantly, less likely to be targeted by opportunists looking to prey on those with the forethought to pack essential items for survival situations.

How To Be A Gray Man

How To Be a Gray Man

The best way to not leave a lasting impression is to not leave any impression at all.
This is the concept behind the gray man theory, and it sounds simple enough, but execution can be challenging.
This guide will cover the basic concept behind the gray man theory and provide some key tips and tricks for effectively making yourself ‘invisible’ in a disaster scenario.

Steps to Becoming a Gray Man (or Woman)

The ultimate goal of becoming a gray man or woman is to camouflage yourself into appearing as though you are just part of the crowd to prevent others from identifying you as a potential gold mine of supplies or information. By exuding confidence and preparedness, you will draw in opportunists who will attempt to capitalize on your resourcefulness to the detriment of your own survival.
To conceal the fact that you are prepared with survival gear and skills from others, there are four key areas you will want to focus on: how you act, how you move, how you look, and how you carry your gear.

How You Act

The key to acting as a gray man is to appear average and non-threatening. Be careful about what you say and to whom you say it – being known as strongly antagonistic or too outspoken about your political beliefs can lead others to make assumptions about you and mark you as a prepared individual.
Maintain conversation topics within the norm of the group. If small talk seems to be the normal thing to do, engage with others to not draw attention to yourself.
One important skill to learn in adapting a gray man persona is maintaining your privacy without appearing overly private or obviously standoffish. When speaking with others, keep eye contact to a minimum as someone is more likely to notice you if they look in your eyes. Even brief eye contact when passing on the street can form a connection, making you more memorable than those around you.

How You Move

Knowing the local landscape can be a tremendous advantage as the better you know local streets and landmarks, the better able you will be to navigate them and alter your route to avoid troublesome areas. When moving, appear as much as possible to go with the flow, walking with purpose but not urgency. Any rapid motion will draw attention to you and raise suspicions as to your motives.
If you need to break away from the crowd, try and make your exit alongside a small group of people, keeping enough distance so that they know you’re not with them but close enough that you don’t appear to be alone, which makes you appear less vulnerable.
When observing your surroundings, be as discreet as possible. Leverage your peripheral vision as well as decoy objects, such as a piece of paper, to give the impression your attention is focused on the object as you survey the area. If appropriate, wear reflective sunglasses that hide your eyes, allowing you the freedom to scan rapidly without drawing attention.

How You Look

It goes without saying that when trying to appear less prepared than you are, camo prints or other outwardly tactical-looking clothing are not the best choice, unless of course, you are in a situation where that type of dress is the norm, such as a hunting trip.
While you don’t have to dress head-to-toe in gray, subtle color choices blend best into crowds and make it easier for you to move unnoticed.
Ideally, you will want to keep any tactical gear concealed. This means packing your pockets and bags strategically to allow for quick access to key items. Reflective objects and bright colors will draw visual attention so ensure items such as your knife are tucked inside your clothing or bag, not hanging from your belt.
Avoid having any reflective materials or highly visible colors on your clothing and accessories, as well as any large text or memorable insignia. Any focal points can draw attention to you and hinder your attempts to blend in.
If possible, carry an additional item with you that can instantly change your look, such as a hat, sunglasses, or jacket, as this can be quite helpful. If someone does happen to peg you as a target, you can use the item to slip under their radar as they scan for you in a crowd.
One last word of caution – be mindful of the way you smell. Yes, smell. Believe it or not, scent is a major memory trigger, so try not to have a noticeable scent about you when trying to blend in.

How You Carry Your Gear and What You Carry

The simplest solution to carrying your gear unnoticed is to find a discreet every day carry bag that blends well with your typical daily routine. Backpacks and messenger bags commonly seen on commuters are good choices as these tend to be less obvious. You can also find pocketbooks with compartmentalized interiors that can make it quick and easy to access your gear.
Another good choice that lends itself well to blending is a jacket or vest with a streetwear outward appearance but hidden storage on the inside. Pants with pockets, especially cargo pants, are excellent for storing gear but may not be the most appropriate choice for people who work in an office with a formal dress code.
The gear you carry with you daily should also be discreet if you want to be a gray man. For example, for self-defense, you may opt for a tactical pen or a discreet folding knife such as the Boker Subcom folding knife, which can even double as a money clip.
A compact flashlight such as the Fenix E05 is so compact it can easily be carried on a keychain without attracting.


In the immediate aftermath of a disaster or in a post-apocalyptic scenario, the ability to conceal yourself as a gray man can be an extremely useful survival skill. The last thing you want is for all your time and effort put into prepping to be for naught by having your supplies taken off you by someone less prepared and more desperate.
To improve your gray man abilities, observe the way people dress and act as you go about your day – what stands out, what makes various people noticeable? This can help you hone in on the objects and behaviors that draw attention.
Full text - Gray Man Theory: The Art Of Blending In During Disaster
Теория "серого человека": искусство растворения во время стихийного бедствия