Thursday, October 20, 2016

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition

100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition: The SEAL Operative's Guide to Surviving in the Wild and Being Prepared for Any Disaster
These 100 skills, adapted for civilians from actual field experiences of Special Forces operations, offer a complete hands-on and practical guide to help you survive in the wild no matter the climate or terrain; be prepared for any crisis; and have the critical life-saving knowledge for staying safe in any hostile environment or disaster. 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition is what you need for today's world, combining survival hacks developed on the battlefield with the low-tech tools you have on hand. This book is your essential prep manual, from securing shelter, building fire, finding food, and navigating back to civilization no matter the environment to thinking like a special forces solider so that you can survive a hostage situation, an active shooter, a suicide bomber, or a terrorist threat on the subway, and even apply trauma medicine as a first responder. Full of specific scenarios to help you get in the mind-set of survival, 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition is better than a Swiss Army knife whether you're lost at sea, forced to land a plane, fighting off a bear, or deciding whether to run, hide, or fight. Next to each skill are easy-to-grasp detailed illustrations, because when you need to survive the apocalypse, you don't have time for complicated instructions.

Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон
Клинт Эмерсон, отставной офицер спецназа ВМС США, описывает в своей книге навыки, многие из которых взяты из арсенала сотрудников спецслужб, а им зачастую приходится действовать в экстремальных условиях, на пределе жизненных сил, когда необходимо быстро и точно принимать единственно верные решения.
Выживание в дикой природе и экстремальных ситуациях. 100 ключевых навыков по методике спецслужб. Клинт Эмерсон. Бумажная и электронная версия на русском языке. (Альпина)

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation. Clint Emerson.,
Выживание по методике спецслужб. 100 ключевых навыков. Клинт Эмерсон

Monday, October 3, 2016

DSLR with zoom lens can be effectively used as a telescope

Photographer and traveler are to note!
DSLR with zoom lens can be effectively used as a telescope.
And view sharpening will be perfect
Look through the peephole, push the lens out for zooming, place focusing point on the object and make a half-press shooting button - the camera itself will set the sharpness

Фотографу-путешественнику на заметку!
Зеркалку с зум-объективом можно эффективно использовать как подзорную трубу.
И наведение на резкость будет идеальным
Смотрите в глазок, выдвигаете объектив, наводите на объект фокусировочную точку и делаете половинное нажатие кнопки съема - фотоаппарат сам наведет резкость

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild. Dave Canterbury

The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild. Dave Canterbury
“Practical and sized just right, for places where Google can’t always be summoned. Includes a guide to what’s edible for foragers and key illustrations, in addition to recipes.” —The Washington Post What to eat, where to find it, and how to cook it! Renowned outdoors expert and New York Times bestselling author Dave Canterbury provides you with all you need to know about packing, trapping, and preparing food for your treks and wilderness travels. Whether you're headed out for a day hike or a weeklong expedition, you'll find everything you need to survive--and eat well--out in the wild. Canterbury makes certain you're set by not only teaching you how to hunt and gather, but also giving you recipes to make while on the trail. Complete with illustrations to accompany his instructions and a full-color photo guide of plants to forage and those to avoid, this is the go-to reference to keep in your pack. The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild helps you achieve the full outdoor experience. With it, you'll be prepared to set off on your trip and enjoy living off the land.