Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Multicam Сamouflage Handmade Watch Wrap

Multicam Сamouflage Handmade Watch Wrap
It still needs the finish stitches in the photo.
But the camouflage watch wrap is ready to wear.
Multicam Сamouflage Handmade Watch Wrap
Handmade! By own design and with no use of sewing machine!
Made from a piece of genuine multicam pattern fabric taken from the 5.11 tactical clothes.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Fake 5.11 tactical Rush MOAB 10 and 6 sling packs in Multicam

Fake 5.11 Tactical Rush MOAB 10 sling pack in Multicam

Fake 5.11 Tactical Rush MOAB 10 sling pack in Multicam

Fake 5.11 Tactical Rush MOAB 6 sling pack in Multicam

Fake 5.11 Tactical Rush MOAB 6 sling pack in Multicam

Friday, May 11, 2018

When is the destiny of man the most certain?

When is the destiny of man the most certain? When viewed through the optical sight When is the destiny of man the most certain?
When viewed through the optical sight

Saturday, May 5, 2018

5.11 tactical Backpacks with Canon DSLR

5.11 tactical Concealed Carry COVRT Zone Assault Backpack 6 with Canon DSLR
5.11 tactical Concealed Carry COVRT Zone Assault Backpack 6 with Canon DSLR

This backpack is rather small for a full-frame DSLR

5.11 tactical RUSH MOAB™ 6 Sling Backpack with Canon DSLR
5.11 tactical RUSH MOAB™ 6 Sling Backpack with Canon DSLR
Backpacks was purchased in 5.11 tactical in Belarus

Рюкзаки 5.11 tactical с зеркальным фотоаппаратом Canon

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Another fake of 5.11 tactical - flask

Another fake of 5.11 tactical - 5.11 tactical flask
What does the tourist or survivor always miss, if not a good flask with whiskey or vodka?
With never working compass to finally get lost!
Another fake of 5.11 tactical from the hard-working Chinese friends