Icom IC-R20
Revisions No. (№ ревизии)France (Франция) - 07
USA (США) - 06
Great Britain, UK (Великобритания) - 05
Europe (Европа) - 02
Russia (Россия) - 10
Canada (Канада) - 11
(Cellular blocked in the US)
AR8200 mk.I mk.II mk.III
In versions for the USA (indices "B") AMPS bands 824-849 and 869-894 MHz are cut out. (В версиях для США (индексы "В") вырезаны полосы AMPS 824-849 и 869-894 МГц)From The RadioReference Wiki
Cell blocked (or cellular blocked) is a phrase applied to scanners and wideband receivers manufactured for sale in the US which denotes that they comply with the provisions of PL 102-556, which amended Section 302 of the Communications Act (47USC302) to prohibit manufacture, importation, or certification of scanners which could receive the frequency band allocated for analog AMPS cellular telephony, "the frequencies allocated to the domestic cellular radio telecommunications service": 824-849MHz 869-894MHz